NYT Students Editorial Contest
纽约时报的学与教专栏(The Learning Network: Teaching and Learning With The New York Times) 每天都会发布一个时事热点话题,邀请中学生分享对话题的见解,中学生们通过这个平台各抒己见,发表对美国经济,政治,文化等社会现象和问题的评论。
为了帮助中学生写出更加专业和有意义的评论,纽约时报发起了中学生社论写作比赛Student Editorial Contest,挑战纽约时报的社论写作。比赛邀请学生将对各类社会话题的想法变成正式的、简短的、以证据为基础的说服性文章,就像纽约时报每天发表的社论一样。比赛鼓励学生通过使用多种消息来源来拓宽自己的新闻渠道,了解对所选问题提供各种观点的消息来源。
2023年3月15日 - 2023年4月12日
荣誉提名奖Honorable mention
最后三轮入围者(Round 3 Finalists)
奖项会在比赛结束后两个月内公布。优秀的参赛作品将会被发表于纽约时报的“学与教”专栏(The Learning Network: Teaching and Learning With The New York Times),也有机会在《纽约时报》纸质报纸上发表。
Evelyn Wang, 来自Naperville, IL.
How Fast Fashion Became Faster — and Worse for the Earth
The spring dance is in two weeks, and my friend needs help choosing a dress. She beckons me to her phone where an endless mosaic of elegant dresses, not one over $20, dances before my eyes. After much deliberation, she settles on a glamorous sapphire gown with pleated details lining the bodice. Another two weeks later, the dress carpets the bottom of a landfill, worn only once.
Welcome to the world of fast fashion.
Fast fashion is a relatively recent phenomenon. During the 1990s, retailers began to introduce trendy, cheaply-priced, poorly-made clothes on a weekly basis, intending to match the breakneck pace at which fashion trends move. Style became cheap, convenient and consumable.
Fast fashion, however, is ultimately a privilege. It is a privilege to buy clothes solely for their style, and it is a privilege to ignore the environmental consequences of doing so. In reality, the aggressive cycle of consumption perpetuated by fast fashion means that the clothes we wear are now more likely than ever to end up as part of the 92 million tons of textile waste produced annually.
During the pandemic, as stores closed, consumers ditched fast fashion staples such as H&M and Zara, instead opting to order from e-commerce social media sensations such as Shein and Asos. (Shein is now valued at $100 billion, more than H&M and Zara combined.) These brands represent an escalation of both fast fashion and its environmental toll.
These fast fashion newcomers thrived during the pandemic because of their unique business models. They exist entirely online, allowing them to ship the thousands of new styles they release daily to consumers directly from their warehouses, avoiding supply chain snags and U.S. import duties in the process. Meanwhile, a reliance on cheap overseas labor and synthetic textiles keeps prices irresistibly low.
These practices, however, are hurting the Earth more than ever before. Because these retailers rely solely on international shipping to move their products, they only exacerbate the annual billion tons of greenhouse gasses released by shipping. Virtually all of these brands sell clothes that contain petroleum-based, resource-intensive synthetic fibers such as polyester and nylon. During their lifetime, these fibers are responsible for 35 percent of the microplastics contaminating our oceans and can subsequently take centuries to decompose in landfills.
Though fast fashion represents an understandably alluring combination of style and savings, now, more than ever, we simply cannot quantify the true cost of our clothing with a price tag. When consumers want to update their wardrobe, they can do so sustainably by thrifting, reworking old garments or researching environmentally-conscious brands.
For now, I’ll be at my next school dance rocking the same dress I did last year.
纽约时报官方给出的评分标准中包含:Viewpoint 观点、Evidence 证据、Analysis and Persuasion 分析与说服力、Language 语言、以及Guidelines 比赛准则。
其次,官方要求的文章话题是希望学生们深思熟虑过的,作者自身的故事是很好的切入点。加上所列的数据,以及快时尚中具体商家的例子也达到了官方要求的research研究的要求。最点睛的部分就是作者点出的解决方案,这巧妙地达到了官方rubric中a call to action的拿分点。
翰林课程体验,退费流程快速投诉邮箱: yuxi@linstitute.net 沪ICP备2023009024号-1