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■ 投票时间:12月9日 - 12月24日
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#1 经济政策 Economic Policy
Resolved: The establishment of carbon tax in EU brings more benefits than harms to the world
In 1990, Finland became the first country in the world to introduce a carbon tax. Since then, over 18 EU countries have followed, implementing various levels and kinds of carbon taxes across the board. Recently, EU is also imposing more carbon tax on imported goods. Surely, that protecting our environment by carbon emission reduction is our collective mission, but under the current energy crisis when people are suffering from skyrocketing energy prices, is it the time for us to re-evaluate this decision?
#2 国际援助 International Aid
Resolved: Wealthy countries should not attach conditions to developmental aid.
Global development is unequal and unbalanced. There are countries prospering while also others suffering. Of course, the world appreciates wealthy countries help out others that are left behind. But free money often comes with conditions. Certain conditions could be reasonable and beneficial, as to help the recipient recover from crisis and improve the governance. But sometimes, conditions could be counter-productive and backfire. We now urge the world to reconsider if attaching conditions over aid is still necessary.
#3 政治 U.S. Politics
Resolved: In the United States, organized political lobbying does more harm than good.
Most people might not be aware, that organized political lobbying, or in many people’s eyes, “bribery”, is perfectly legal. Advocates believe that any group should have the right to organize together and have someone represent their voices in the government. For instance, according to Fox Business 2021, labor union spent 1.8 billion dollars on political and lobbying efforts during the 2020 election cycle. While labor union might represent poor people, there are surely more wealthy individuals or groups that are able impose more capital influence over promising politicians. Should we trust this open battlefield?
#4 国际关系 International Relations
Resolved: the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) should formally recognize the National Unity Government (NUG) as the legitimate government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Myanmar has been under tumult for years with its military-led government fighting against the NUG-led government. After being ousted by the military coup, the National Unity Government has been fighting to re-establish itself as the legitimate government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Proponents support NUG as a democratically elected government and believe that it should be embraced by the international community. However, international politics is more complicated than that. Will this recognition actually bring more violence to Myanmar? Will this actually be in the best interest of these people?
#5 技术 Technology
Resolved: The United Nations should establish global standards for artificial intelligence.
Development of new technologies are accelerating global innovation and economic development. Artificial intelligence has certainly been a pioneer over technological advancement. It is the future of humanity. However, many people also fear it to be the end of humanity. Ethical concerns focus on lack of boundaries and conscience; whereas reckless development could lead to disasters. The world might need its leader, the United Nation to represent a more objective voice and set rules to bring healthy development of AI back on track.
#6 法律 Law
Resolved, the United States should end lifetime appointments for Article III judges.
Article III of the U.S. Constitution governs the appointment, tenure, and payment of Supreme Court justices, and federal circuit and district judges. Recent supreme court cases in the United States have brought our attention to these judges as well as the entire federal judicial system. Since these federal judges are appointed by the president for a life term, whoever serves within the system leaves a profound impact on the next generation. As increasingly partisan judges begin to wield significant influence, we start to wonder if this needs to be changed.
#7 性别研究 Gender Study
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