针对面试之惑,Cogita 为大家奉上step-by-step的最强解析——什么样的面试准备和表现会让你能冷静面对考验,在众多竞争者中脱颖而出!
→这所学校如何来把自己和其他学校区分开来?How is the school distinct from others?
这些未必是面试时会被问到的问题,但是通过这些问题的准备你能更有底气充分地表达自己。面试时的阐述要和文书紧密相结合,在文书的基础上补充细节。并且记住,以双方的优势和特点来展现出为什么你和学校互相都是“非你莫属”的best fit!
-Did you enjoy the conversation with the applicante? 你是否享受谈话的过程?
Hearing about the XXX team’s practice schedule and about the details for majoring in XXX gave me a much clearer idea of how my life at XXX would look like. (remind对方面试时的谈话内容亮点,加深印象)
I loved hearing about how you decided on XXX as your major because it showed me how truly flexible XXX is with its curriculum.(谈话亮点之二,也是表达自己对学校的热爱) I’ve been worried that it would be hard for me to switch majors in case I wanted to take my major in a different direction, but now I feel much more at ease.
Recently, I’ve been editing XXX over November/Thanksgiving break; I really want to share these new pieces with XXX Admissions to update them on what I’ve been doing with XXX since I submitted my portfolio. Is there a way I can do so? Should I email XXX?(通过有意义的分享课外活动最新进展来展现出非常积极的态度,想要成为学校和team的一员)
XXX is the perfect place for me. I’m very excited to be applying, and I really hope I can attend XXX and experience the XXX life!(再次表达对学校的喜爱)
Best Regards,
XXX (标准落款)
总体来说是一封亲切,又不失礼仪,有内容,也可以加深好印象的thank-you note! 大家书写thank-you note的时候长度不宜超过这一封例子哦。
翰林课程体验,退费流程快速投诉邮箱: yuxi@linstitute.net 沪ICP备2023009024号-1