Peter Cramp是一位资深的经济作家,同时也兼任A-level经济考官,最近老师本人在Twitter上po出了针对AQA经济考试的20条建议(其它考试局的经济考试也可以作为参考), A-level经济马上要考试了,CA当然是抢在第一线给大家搬运来了这些重要信息,要考经济的小伙伴要注意学习了!
Exam tip 1: If qu says AND as in "Evaluate the effect of monopoly on conduct AND performance of firms" address BOTH to access high marks. A very good section on conduct and a little on performance (eg alloc eff) could unlock high marks but a balance on both elements better.
如果问题中有“AND”,比如说像"Evaluate the effect of monopoly on conduct AND performance of firms"这样,AND前后的两部分都要兼顾才能获得高分。前面Conduct部分非常详尽后面的performance部分也有涉及,有可能会获得高分,但如果两部分的侧重能平衡一些会更好。
Exam tip 2:Look for numbers planted in data extracts - these will often support evaluation - eg "BA already has 44% of landing slots at Heathrow" supports a judgement that there may be substantial monopoly power after merger with another airline.
看data extract中的数字-这些数字通常能支持evaluation,举个例子:"BA already has 44% of landing slots at Heathrow"可以支持这样的judgement -与其他航空公司合并后可能会产生强大的垄断力量。
Exam tip 3: For 15 mark essays, use the the qu preamble do show application. If qu preamble talks about a new runway at Heathrow and qu is "Explain how investments can cause market failure" use new runway as an example.
对15分的essay来说,使用问题的序言部分以示运用,如果问题开头提到了a new runway at Heathrow,而问题是"Explain how investments can cause market failure",那么就可以使用new runway来举例。
Exam tip 4: Evaluation: If 2 examples given in qu - Eg "Evaluate whether govt should promote TUs in countries such as UK and China" - The case for TUs may be stronger in one than the other - reach a supported judgement about which, not just reach judgement about TUs in general.
Evaluation部分,如果问题中举了两个例子,比如"Evaluate whether govt should promote TUs in countries such as UK and China"。这种情况下一个可能会比另一个的TUs更强,最好能指出并且说明是哪一个,而不是只得出TUs的一般结论。
Exam tip 5: AQA 2 marker - State the units for answer and if calculating a change, the direction of change, +ve or -ve. If % change, take change as a % of the original value not new. If qu says to 2DP be sure to do so. One dropped mark could cost a grade.
对于AQA的2分题,答案注意加上单位,如果计算变化、变化的方向,最好使用+ve or –ve这样的形式。如果计算百分比的变化,百分比变化是采用新值与旧值之间的差值表述成旧值百分比的形式。如果问题要求2DP那也一定要这么做。分数下降一分就有可能成绩降一个等级。
Exam tip 6: Avoid costly errors by highlighting qu: eg Using the data in EXTRACT A, calculate, to TWO DP, the overall % CHANGE in HOUSEHOLD BILLS from 2009 to 2013. Highlight terms capitalised here and dates.
标记重点避免严重失分,比如“Using the data in EXTRACT A, calculate, to TWO DP, the overall % CHANGE in HOUSEHOLD BILLS from 2009 to 2013”,这里的重点就是大写的词汇与日期。
Exam tip 7: Highlight title and axes labels of graphs on the question paper to ensure you use the correct units and names of variables when quoting from the graph in your answers - esp relevant for AQA 4 markers and 10 markers on Paper 3.
标记考卷中的title和图表的axes labels,确保答案中引用图表内容的时候使用的是正确的单位和变量名称-尤其是AQA Paper 3 中的4分题和10分题。
Exam tip 8: Give diagrams a title - eg Diagram to show economies of scale in the car industry. This can help to tie your diagram into your written answer and earn credit for applying your diagram to the example at hand.
给diagram起一个标题,比如Diagram to show economies of scale in the car industry。可以把你的diagram跟你写的答案连起来,也能因为答案里运用了手边的例子得分。
Exam tip 9: When answering context qus, always highlight the source carefully before planning your answer. Points to use in your answer are often to be found in the extract as well as info to support evaluation.
Exam Tip 10: This one's a biggy! Does your 25 mark essay pass the conclusion test? Can the examiner tell what the question was just by reading your last paragraph? If not, you've probably not answered the question set! Hugely important
这一点非常重要!你的25分eassy通过conclusion test了吗?阅卷老师能只看最后一段就了解问的是什么吗?如果没有,你可能没有回答给出的问题,这一点极其重要!
Exam tip 11: Where's the DWL? Label the social optimum where MSB = MSC as Q*. The DLW is the triangle that "points towards the stars". Try it - it works!
DWL在哪?标记社会最优MSB = MSC as Q*。DLW是"points towards the stars"的那个三角形。试试,很有用!
Exam tip 12: 4 markers - Two key features (numbers and dates) that help to support the proposition. Definition of key terms. Very brief analysis (eg higher incomes lead to greater life expectancy due to meeting of basic needs). Consider doing simple calculations on data.
4 分题-两大关键特征(数字与日期)可以帮助支持这个命题。关键词组的定义、非常简单的分析(比如说higher incomes lead to greater life expectancy due to meeting of basic needs)。可以考虑数据的简单计算。
Exam tip 13: EV not usually needed for 9 markers but watch out for ones such as "Explain the EXTENT to which the removal of a tariff might affectUKimports". Here, you DO need to use elasticity to quantify the impact - this could be seen as EV but is also analysis.
9 分题通常不需要EV,但是要注意要求"Explain the EXTENT to which the removal of a tariff might affect UK imports"的这类问题。这里,你就需要使用elasticity来量化这个影响,这可以视作EV但也是analysis。
Exam tip 14: Learn comp adv theory inside out! Important for MCQ and few students can work their way through an eg as part of an essay on trade. Make your work stand out! Learn a complete eg to drop into your work at the right point and score well for analysis.
彻底研究明白comp adv theory,这对MCQ题型很重要,很少有学生能通过例子能在关于trade的essay中使用例子说明白,让你的内容更突出!使用完整恰当的例子,分析可以获得高分。
Exam tip 15: Use interim judgements at the end of sections of evaluation in your 25 mark answers. These build up to help support your final judgement.
在25分题evaluation结尾部分使用interim judgements,这会帮助说明你的final judgement。
Exam tip 16: Evaluating policies? Best policy likely to tackle root cause of problem - eg low pay - more spending or reforms to educ & training may raise MRPs of low paid workers, leading to higher wages. Root cause of problem tackled giving long term solution
评估policies?最佳policy倾向于解决问题的根源,比如说:low pay - more spending or reforms to educ & training may raise MRPs of low paid workers, leading to higher wages. 问题的根源解决了,那么长期问题也就迎刃而解了。
Exam tip 17: Maximise your gain when you do a practice MCQ paper. Don't settle for just getting the right answer. Can you explain it to someone else? Can you explain why the wrong answers are incorrect?
练习MCQ paper的时候尽量让自己的收获最大化,不要只满足于选对正确答案。你能给别人解释这道题吗?你能说清楚错误答案为什么是错误的吗?
Exam tip 18: 3 chains of AN great for 15 mrker, but 2 really developed chains better & can get full mrks. Detail is key - put in extra steps. Eg D up -> excess D at current P --> up pressure on P --> R, S, I functions. Few put in excess D step but it adds value
15分的题最好写三条线索,不过要是2条内容非常好也能获得满分。细节是关键,每一步都要注意。比方说:D up -> excess D at current P --> up pressure on P --> R, S, I functions. Few put in excess D step but it adds value。
Exam Tip 19: Dispense with your intro IF it only contains definitions. Instead, define key terms in brackets as you use them. A good final sentence of a 25 mrk intro is to state your eventual conclusion - signposts your work clearly. Requires careful planning!
如果只有definition你可以省略掉intro部分。反而,如果使用括号里内容的时候需要对key terms进行定义。一个好的25分intro的最后一句应该是陈述了你的最终结论,分清条理,需要认真构思!
Exam tip 20: Massive!.....Attempt as many past paper qu's under timed conditions as you can. If you don't, you simply won't know if you are ready for the exam. In 24 years of teaching, every student who has done this has made huge strides in the last few weeks
帮忙当然要帮到底,CA要送上A-level经济考前福利啦!本周开始CA每周会定时更新两篇外刊热点经济学文章,邀约英国顶级A-level经济学教师+阅卷考官、G5名校本科在读学生(ALevel 经济学A星以上成绩)以及AS/A2经济学满分ESSAY作者讲解内容,深挖知识点,多维度拓展,让你对A-level经济学有全新的认识,并提升解读知识、灵活运用的能力。
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