Plastics have a large negative impact on both land and water habitats due to their non-biodegradability
In marine habitats:
Animals often try to eat plastic or become caught in it, leading to injuries and death
As the plastic breaks down it can release toxins that affect marine organisms
Once it has broken down into very small particles, it is commonly ingested by animals and enters the food chain
On land:
Plastic is generally disposed of by burying in landfills
As it breaks down, it releases toxins into the surrounding soil and as such the land is no good for growing crops or grazing animals and can only be used for building on several decades after burial
Air Pollution
Acid Rain
Combustion of fossil fuels that contain sulfur impurities creates sulfur dioxide
This is released into the atmosphere where it combines with oxygen to form sulfur trioxide
Sulfur trioxide dissolves in water droplets in clouds and forms acid rain
Methane and Carbon Dioxide
Both gases insulate the Earth and act as a 'blanket' around the atmosphere
Higher levels of both have led to global warming and climate change
Human activity has increased levels of both gases in the atmosphere
Burning fossil fuels increases carbon dioxide
Keeping livestock generates methane gas
Global warming melts the permafrost in sub-polar regions, which results in even more trapped methane being released into the atmosphere