CIE IGCSE Biology: 复习笔记:9.1.9 Explaining the Effect of Physical Activity on Heart Rate: Extended
Explaining the Effect of Physical Activity on Heart Rate: Extended
So that sufficient blood is taken to the working muscles to provide them with enough nutrients and oxygen for increased respiration
An increase in heart rate also allows for waste products to be removed at a faster rate
Following exercise, the heart continues to beat faster for a while to ensure that all excess waste products are removed from muscle cells
It is also likely that muscle cells have been respiring anaerobically during exercise and so have built up an oxygen debt
This needs to be ‘repaid’ following exercise and so the heart continues to beat faster to ensure that extra oxygen is still being delivered to muscle cells
The extra oxygen is used to break down the lactic acid that has been built up in cells as a result of anaerobic respiration