01If you were the mayor of the city, what two things would you want to change?顶尖的国际学校培养人才的方向就是具有国际视野的领导型精英,所以在招生的时候他们也会关注考生在领导力上的潜能。这个问题除了能考察学生的领导力思维,更能了解学生的社会参与度。一个不闻窗外事,只读圣贤书的人,绝对不是国际学校招生的第一人选。
示范:If I were the mayor, I would make public transportation totally free in order to encourage people to take buses or subways instead of private cars by which I guess would reduce the pollution in the city. On the other hand, I would open all the parks to public free of charge, so that more tourists would love to pay a visit to the city. 02Why do you choose our school?其实很多家长和学生在选择国际学校的时候都比较盲目,学校课程是什么方向的,有什么特色,对今后大学申请是否有帮助都没有仔细研究,单冲着学校名气或跟风去择校。这个问题主要考察学生是否真的了解所报考的学校,并且有成熟的想法和判断。建议考前多去学校网站浏览一下,了解了学校就有底气回答这个问题了!
示范:Well,I got to know the school from a piece of news that 10 of your students were admitted to the Ox-bridge last year. So I did some researches on the teaching and programs of your school, and it turned out marvelous. Most importantly,I love one slogan of your school—— our students develop qualities that will support them for life-long achievement, and I am coming to get those qualities. 03What’s your favorite subject?回答这个问题不能只是简单罗列自己喜欢的科目,而是需要深入谈一谈你为什么喜欢这个科目。面试官可以从这个问题了解学生的强势科目,也能初步判断学生今后是否可以在这个学校有长足的发展。
示范:Actually I’m quite in to English which is a fundamental subject and pathway to understanding the other subjects in international courses. Meanwhile, this second language helps me to make a lot of foreign friends and to travel around the world without trouble. 04What’s your future plan in ten years?可以想象一个在温室长大,万事都被父母包办的孩子在听到这样的问题时会是多么手足无措啊!十年那么远,我怎么知道十年后的自己是个什么样子。如果你恰好也是这种情况,现在就开始思考这个问题吧。对自己的将来有规划有目标,才能真正学有所图、学以致用。
示范:I always dream to be a biologist who develops new medicine to cure cancer. In order to achieve this challenging goal, I need to accumulate relevant knowledge well in senior high school and get into the world’s famous university- John Hopkins for the cutting-edge bio-tech which will for sure facilitate my future research on medicine. 05Do you think students should wear uniforms in school?穿校服本身就具备很强的争议性,有些时候辩论赛中都会引用这个话题。无论支持还是反对都没有错,面试官在问这个问题的时候无非是想了解考生的辩证思维和逻辑组织能力,能否对事件有独立思考的能力。
示范:Absolutely! Wearing uniforms helps students concentrate more on school work than their wardrobes. Thus, parents could easily save a lot of money on their children’s clothing. Plus, uniform is like a name card of a school which shows the public how well-organized the school is.
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