I. Basic economic ConceptsI.Basic economic concepts (8–12%)
A. Scarcity, choice and opportunity costs 稀缺性、选择和机会成本
B. Production possibilities curve 生产可能性曲线
C. Comparative advantage, absolute advantage,specialization and exchange 比较优势,分工,交换
D.Demand, supply and market equilibrium 需求,供给,市场均衡
E. Macroeconomic issues: business cycle,unemployment, inflation, growth 经济周期,失业,通货膨胀,增长
A macroeconomics course introducesstudents to fundamental economic concepts such as scarcity and opportunity costs. Students understandthe distinction between absolute and comparativeadvantage and apply the principle of comparative advantage to determinethe basis on which mutually advantageous trade can take place betweenindividuals and/or countries and to identify comparative advantage fromdifferences in opportunity costs. Other basic concepts that are exploredinclude the functions performed by an economic system and the way the tools of supplyand demand are used to analyze the workings of a free-market economy. The course shouldalso introduce the concept of the business cycle to give students an overview of economic fluctuations and to highlight the dynamics of unemployment,inflation and economic growth. Coverage of these concepts providesstudents with the foundation for a thorough understanding of macroeconomicconcepts and issues.
这一章是宏观经济学的基础,opportunity cost、production possibilitiescurve、advantage是必考点,每年至少一道选择题。Demand,supply and market equilibrium也是必考,而且它的分量要比前面三个知识点更重。
那么,为什么资源是稀缺的?这里可以给出很多种解释,常见的解释是地球上可获得的资源量是有限的,从木材到土地、从苹果到电脑,这些东西都是有限的。这是一个绝对意义上的解释,但稀缺性还包含另外一方面的意思,即资源的有限性是相对于人类欲望的无限性来说的,意思就是,不论资源有多少,人类的欲望总要比这个有限的资源多。 opportunity costs
absolute and comparativeadvantage
但是我们能不能说丙就一无是处了呢?不是,我们再看,甲煮饭和做衣服数量比是1:1,乙是4:1,丙是2:1,比较乙和丙,同样做一件衣服,乙的成本是4锅饭,丙是2锅饭,虽然在绝对数量上丙落后,但是在相对意义上(比例上),丙做衣服的成本要低于乙,因此,丙在做衣服上与乙相比具有相对比较优势。如果乙和丙相互不认识,那么他们所能够生产的最大值(假设他们各用半天时间煮饭和做衣服)40 +5=45锅饭,10+10=20件衣服,但是如果两个人认识,决定共同生产,甲专门煮饭,乙专门做衣服,那么就变成80锅饭和20件衣服。
Production possibilities curve
supply and demand
给定一个价格,供给量和需求量不一定相等,但是,我们可以假定有这样一个价格的存在——它恰好是供给量等于需求量。这样市场上既不会有多余的商品卖不出去,也不会有人买不到他所需要的商品,此时供需相等,称市场达到均衡,这个价格称为均衡价格。business cycle, economicfluctuations
因此,市场总会将价格拉到均衡的价格上来。经济就在这繁荣与萧条之间转换,交替出现,是一种周期现象,所以称为经济周期。供给和需求不停地变动,称作经济波动。 unemployment, inflationand economic growth
II. Measurement of economic PerformanceII.Measurement of Economic Performance (12–16%)A. National income accounts 国民收入账户
1. Circular flow 循环
2. Gross domestic product 国民生产总值(GDP)
3. Components of gross domestic product 国民生产总值的构成
4. Real versus nominal gross domestic product 实际与名义GDPB. Inflation measurement and adjustment 通货膨胀
1. Price indices 价格指数
2. Nominal and real values 名义价格与实际价格
3. Costs of inflation 通货膨胀的(社会)成本
C. Unemployment 失业
1. Definition and measurement 定义和度量指标
2. Types of unemployment 失业的类型
3. Natural rate of unemployment 自然失业率
To provide an overview of how theeconomy works, the course should start with a model of the circular flow of income and products that contain the foursectors: households, businesses, government and international. It is importantto identify and examine the key measures of economic performance: gross domestic product, unemployment and inflation.
In studying the concept of gross domestic product, it is also importantthat students learn how gross domestic product is measured, have a clearunderstanding of its components and be able to distinguish between real and nominal gross domestic product.
The course should examine the nature and causes of unemployment, the costs of unemployment and how the unemployment rate is measured, including thecriticisms associated with the measurement of the unemployment rate. It is alsoimportant to understand the concept of the natural rateof unemployment and the factors that affect it. Students should alsohave an understanding of inflation and how it ismeasured. In this section, the course should cover the costs of inflation andthe main price indices, such as the consumer priceindex (CPI) and the gross domestic productdeflator. Students should learn how these indices are constructed andused to convert nominal values into real values, as well as to convert dollarvalues in the past to dollar values in the present. It is also important tohighlight the differences between the two price indices as a measure ofinflation, as well as the problems associated with each measure.
2、GrossDomestic Product(GDP)国内生产总值,它指在一定时期内(一个季度或一年),一个国家或地区的经济中所生产出的全部最终产品和劳务的价值。有以下几点需要注意,第一,GDP是一个时间段内的概念,谈GDP首先必须指明一个时间跨度,比如从去年的今天到今年的今天,这是整整一年。
实际与名义的区别在于前者剔除了价格变动的影响,后者则将其包括在内。名义GDP与实际GDP的比值称为GDP平减指数(GDP deflator)。
3、通货膨胀的成本鞋底成本:shoe-leather cost,通货膨胀使人们不愿持有货币,这样,当需要消费的时候,人们就要一次又一次地去银行取钱,如此损失掉的时间与便利称为鞋底成本。当然它不单单只磨坏鞋底所遭受的损失,更重要的是表示通货膨胀使人们损失掉了时间与便利。
菜单成本:menu cost,这个词源自餐馆印刷新菜单的成本,它包括决定新价格的成本、印刷新清单和目录的成本、把这些新价格表和目录送给中间商和顾客的成本、为新价格做广告的成本,甚至包括处理顾客对价格变动恼怒的成本。
III.National Income and Price determination III. National Income and Price Determination (10–15%)
A. Aggregate demand 总需求
1.Determinants of aggregate demand 总需求的决定
2.Multiplier and crowding-out effects 乘数效应与挤出效应
B. Aggregate supply 总供给
1.Short-run and long-run analyses 短期与长期分析
2.Sticky versus flexible wages and prices 工资与价格的黏性与自由伸缩性
3.Determinants of aggregate supply 总供给的决定
C.Macroeconomic equilibrium 宏观经济均衡
1.Real output and price level 实际产出与价格水平
2.Short and long run 短期与长期
3.Actual versus full-employment output 实际产出与充分就业产出
4.Economic fluctuations 经济波动
This section introduces the aggregate supply and aggregatedemand model to explain the determination of equilibrium national output andthe general price level, as well as to analyze and evaluate the effects ofpublic policy. It is important to discuss the aggregatedemand and aggregate supply concepts individually to provide studentswith a firm understanding of the mechanics of the aggregate demand andaggregate supply model.
The aggregatedemand and aggregate supply analysis often begins with a general discussion ofthe nature and shape of the aggregate demand and aggregate supply curves andthe factors that affect them. A detailed study of aggregate demand may begin bydefining the four components of aggregate demand: consumption,investment, government spending and net exports. It also examines whythe aggregate demand curve slopes downward and how changes in the determinantsaffect the aggregate demand curve. The spending-multiplierconcept and its impact on aggregate demand, and how crowdingout lessens this impact, should be demonstrated as well. The course canthen present the definition and determinants of aggregate supply and thedifferent views about the shape of the aggregate supply curve in the short run and in the long runand highlight the importance of the shape in determining the effect of changesin aggregate demand on the economy. It is also important to understand thenotion of sticky-price and sticky-wage models and their implication for theaggregate supply curve in comparison to flexible pricesand wages.
Studentsshould be able to use the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model todetermine equilibrium income and price level and to analyze the impact of economicfluctuations on the economy’s output and price level, both in the short run andin the long run.
当AD或SRAS移动的时候,短期内会导致均衡产出的变动;LRAS的移动会导致长期均衡产出的变动,从而导致了经济增长或萧条。 IV.Financial sectorIV. Financial Sector (15–20%)A.Money, banking and financial markets 货币、银行与资本市场
1.Definition of financial assets: money, stocks, bonds 货币、股票与债券的定义
2.Time value of money (present and future value) 货币的时间价值
3.Measures of money supply 货币供给的度量
4.Banks and creation of money 银行与货币的创造
5.Money demand 货币需求
6.Money market 资本市场
7.Loanable funds market 可贷资金市场
B.Central bank and control of the money supply 中央银行和控制货币供给
1.Tools of central bank policy 政策工具
2.Quantity theory of money 货币数量论
3.Real versus nominal interest rates 实际与名义利率
Tounderstand how monetary policy works, students must understand the definitionsof both the money supply and money demand and the factors that affect each of them.Here the course introduces students to the definition of money and otherfinancial assets such as bonds and stocks, the time value of money, measures ofthe money supply, fractional reserve banking and the Federal Reserve System. Inpresenting the money supply, it is important to introduce the process ofmultiple-deposit expansion and money creation using T-accounts and the use ofthe money multiplier. In learning about monetary policy, it is important todefine money demand and examine its determinants. Having completed the study ofmoney supply and money demand, the course should proceed to investigate howequilibrium in the money market determines the equilibrium interest rate, howthe investment demand curve provides the link between changes in the interestrate and changes in aggregate demand, and how changes in aggregate demandaffect real output and price level. Students should have an understanding offinancial markets and the working of the loanable funds market in determiningthe real interest rate. It is also important that students develop a clearunderstanding of the differences between the money market and the loanablefunds market.
Having an understanding of the financialmarkets, students should identify and examine the tools of central bank policyand their impact on the money supply and interest rate. Students shouldunderstand the distinction between nominal and real interest rate. Studentsshould also be introduced to the quantity theory of money and examine andunderstand the effect of monetary policy on real output growth and inflation.
法定准备金率(reserverequirements):指中央银行对商业银行存款准备金的规定,存款准备金比率上升会抑制可贷资金的数量,从而降低货币乘数,进而减少货币供给。再贴现率(discount rate):指中央银行向商业银行发放贷款时所收取的利率。货币数量论:MV=PY,货币数量M乘以货币流通速度V等于产品的价格P乘以产量,这个公式称为数量方程式。
V. Inflation, unemployment, stabilization PoliciesV.Inflation, Unemployment, and Stabilization Policies (20–30%) 通货膨胀、失业与稳定政策
A. Fiscal and monetary policies 财政政策与货币政策
1. Demand-side effects 需求方
2. Supply-side effects 供给方
3. Policy mix 混合政策
4. Government deficits and debt 财政赤字与政府债务
B. Inflation and unemployment 通货膨胀与失业
1. Types of inflation 通货膨胀的类型(成因)
a. Demand-pull inflation 需求拉动型
b. Cost-push inflation 成本推动型
3. Role of expectations 期望(预期)的影响
Public policy affects the economy’s output, price level andlevel of employment, both in the short run and in the long run. Students shouldlearn to analyze the impacts of fiscal policy and monetary policy on aggregatedemand and aggregate supply, as well as on the economy’s output and price levelboth in the short run and in the long run. It is also important to understand howan economy responds to a short-run shock and adjusts to long-run equilibrium inthe absence of any public policy actions.
With both monetaryand fiscal policies now incorporated in the analysis of aggregate demand andaggregate supply, an understanding of the interactions between the two isessential. Students should also examine the economic effects of governmentbudget deficits, including crowding out; consider the issues involved indetermining the burden of the national debt; and explore the relationshipsbetween deficits, interest rates and inflation. The course should distinguishbetween the short-run and long-run impacts of monetary and fiscal policies andtrace the short-run and long-run effects of supply shocks. Short-run andlong-run Phillips curves are introduced to help students gain an understandingof the inflation–unemployment trade-off and how this trade-off may differ inthe short and long run.
In this section, the course identifies the causes ofinflation and illustrates them by using the aggregate demand and aggregatesupply model. A well-rounded course also includes an examination of thesignificance of expectations, including inflationary expectations.
带有预期通货膨胀的菲利普斯曲线为:π=πe-k(U-Un) 预期的不同,会导致菲利普斯曲线沿着自然失业率移动。
VI. Economic Growth and Productivity (5–10%) 经济增长与生产率
A. Investment in human capital 人力资本投资
B. Investment in physical capital 物质资本投资
C. Research and development, and technological progress 研发与技术进步
D. Growth policy
三是鼓励技术进步。补充一个关于生产函数的知识:Y=AF(K,L,H,N)Y代表产出,A代表技术水平,K代表物质资本量,L代表劳动力,H代表人力资本量,N代表自然资源。产出是这些变量的增函数,该函数有个性质,就是K,L,H,N同时翻倍,那么产出Y也将翻倍,写出来就是x Y=AF(xK,xL,xH,xN),这个性质叫做规模收益不变,即投入同时扩大x倍,产出也会扩大x倍,依据是现实中企业可以通过复制现有的生产来达到扩大产出的目的。
Open Economy: InternationalTrade and Finance VII. Open Economy:International Trade and Finance (10–15%) 开放经济,国际贸易与国际金融(资本)
A. Balance of payments accounts 国际贸易收支账户
1. Balance of trade 贸易平衡
2. Current account 经常账户
3. Capital account 资本账户
B. Foreign exchange market 外汇市场
1. Demand for and supply of foreign exchange 外汇的供求
2. Exchange rate determination 汇率
3. Currency appreciation and depreciation 货币升值与贬值
C. Net exports and capital flows 净出口与资本流动
D. Links to financial and goods markets 资本市场与产品市场的关系
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