Deducing electron configuration
Electronic Configuration of the First 20 Elements Table
Note: Although the third shell can hold up to 18 electrons, the filling of the shells follows a more complicated pattern after potassium and calcium. For these two elements, the third shell holds 8 and the remaining electrons (for reasons of stability) occupy the fourth shell first before filling the third shell
You should be able to represent the first 20 elements using either electron shell diagrams or written electronic configuration.
Electronic configuration: The arrangement of electrons into shells for an atom (e.g. electronic configuration of carbon is 2 . 4)
Example: Electronic configuration of chlorine:
Shorthand electronic configuration
Period: The red numbers below the electronic configuration show the number of notations which is 3, showing that a chlorine atom has 3 shells of electronsGroup: The last notation, which is 7, shows that a chlorine atom has 7 outer electrons matching group 7 of the periodic table
The position of chlorine in the periodic table
All of the shells up to the outer shell will be full. Electron transfer occurs with electrons from the outer shell only.You can use the term ‘shell’ or ‘energy level’ to describe the space that electrons occupy.
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