Random sampling involves selecting sample sites at random while systematic sampling involves placing sample sites at regular intervals.
A frame quadrat can be used to measure abundance and distribution
Abundance in a frame quadrat can be assessed by measuring percentage cover
Point quadrats can be used to measure the number of individuals of a species or percentage cover.
Interrupted line and belt transects can be used to measure abundance and distribution of species along a line across a habitat
Measuring Abiotic Factors Table
Kite diagrams can be used to provide a visual representation of both abundance and distribution of species, as well as changes to abiotic factors such as elevation
You could be asked to describe or design an investigation that could be used to measure the effect of a specific abiotic factor on species abundance or distribution, so make sure that you know the circumstances in which each sampling technique would be used, and how to use it.
Remember that when describing a practical you should always consider:
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