The same method as that shown above can be used to investigate the antimicrobial properties of plants. Just remember that the paper discs are soaked in different plant extracts (instead of different antiseptics) and the control disc should be soaked in ethanol (instead of sterile water)
Record the diameter of each clear zone to the nearest whole mm, and remember to calculate the area using the radius (taken as half the value of the mean diameter of each zone)
To prepare an uncontaminated culture of microorganisms, this procedure can be followed
Aseptic Techniques Table
It is vital that one of the paper discs placed on the bacterial agar plate is not soaked in plant extract but in ethanol instead. This is to ensure that any differences in bacterial growth observed can be attributed to the antimicrobial properties of the plant extracts used and not some other factor (such as the paper discs themselves or the presence of ethanol, for example).
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