Carbon-12 is stable, whereas carbon-14 is unstable. This is because carbon-14 has two extra neutrons
Unstable nuclei decay by emitting high energy particles or waves
Which of the following statements is not true?
A Isotopes can be unstable because they have too many or too few neutrons
B The process of emitting particles or waves of energy from an unstable nucleus is called radioactive decay
C Scientists can predict when a nucleus will decay
D Radiation refers to the particles or waves emitted from a decaying nucleus
The terms unstable, random and decay have very particular meanings in this topic. Remember to use them correctly when answering questions!
Alpha particles, beta particles and gamma waves can be emitted from unstable nuclei
Different Properties of Nuclear Radiation
Alpha, beta and gamma are different in how they penetrate materials. Alpha is the least penetrating, and gamma is the most penetrating
When radiation passes close to atoms it can knock out electrons, ionising the atom
A student has an unknown radioactive source. They are trying to work which type of radiation is being given off:
A Alpha particles
B Beta particles
C Gamma rays
D Neutrons
They measure the count-rate, using a Geiger-Muller tube, when the source is placed behind different material. Their results are shown in the table below:
Which type of radiation is being given off by the source?
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