Although plants synthesise glucose during photosynthesis, their leaves cannot be tested for its presence as the glucose produced is quickly used up, converted into other substances and transported or stored as starch.
Starch is stored in the chloroplasts where photosynthesis occurs so testing a leaf for starch is a reliable indicator of which parts of the leaf are photosynthesising
Leaf tissue
Bunsen burner
Gauze platform
Safety goggles
Iodine solution
White tile
Investigating the requirement for light in photosynthesis
Before testing for starch, complete the following procedure:
Method Part 1
Destarch the plant by placing it in a dark cupboard for 24 hours
This ensures that any starch already present in the leaves will be used up and will not affect the results of the experiment
Following de-starching, partially cover a leaf of the plant with aluminium foil and place the plant in sunlight for a day
Remove the covered leaf and test for starch using iodine using the method below
Method Part 2 - Testing the leaf for starch
Drop the leaf in boiling water
This kills the tissue and breaks down the cell walls
Transfer the leaf into hot ethanol in a boiling tube for 5-10 minutes
This removes the chlorophyll so colour changes from iodine can be seen more clearly
Dip the leaf in boiling water
This is done to soften the leaf tissue after being in ethanol
Spread the leaf out on a white tile and cover it with iodine solution
Testing a leaf for starch
Results and analysis
In a green leaf, the entire leaf will turn blue-black as photosynthesis is occurring in all areas of the leaf
The area of the leaf that was covered with aluminium foil will remain orange-brown as it did not receive any sunlight and could not photosynthesise, while the area exposed to sunlight will turn blue-black
This proves that light is necessary for photosynthesis and the production of starch
Photosynthesis cannot occur in sections of the leaf where light cannot reach the chloroplasts
Care must be taken when carrying out this practical as ethanol is extremely flammable, so at that stage of the experiment, the Bunsen burner should be turned off
The safest way to heat the ethanol is in an electric water bath rather than using a beaker over a Bunsen burner with an open flame
Applying CORMS evaluation to practical work
When working with practical investigations, remember to consider your CORMS evaluation
CORMS evaluation
In this investigation, your evaluation should look something like this:
C - We are changing whether there is light or no light
O - The leaves will be taken from the same plant or same species, age and size of the plant
R - We will repeat the investigation several times to ensure our results are reliable
M1 - We will observe the colour change of the leaf when iodine is applied