The lifecycle of a low mass star
Lifecycle of massive stars
Stars less massive than our Sun will leave the main sequence and become red giants.
Describe and explain the next stages of evolution for such stars.
Step 1: Underline the command words
Step 2: Identify the mass of the star
Step 4: Plan the answer
Step 5: Begin writing the answer using words from the question stem
Step 6: Use the plan to keep the answer concise and logically sequenced
Describe the evolution of a star much more massive than our Sun from its formation to its eventual death.
Step 1: Underline the command word
Step 2: Identify the mass of the star
Step 3: Identify the stage of life cycle being asked about
Step 4: Plan the answer
Step 5: Add to the list any important points or key words that need to be included for each stage
Step 6: Begin writing the answer using words from the question stem to begin
Step 7: Use the plan to keep the answer concise and logically sequenced
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