The baryon number of a particle depends if it is a baryon, anti–baryon or neither
Conservation of Lepton Number
The lepton number depends on if the particle is a lepton, anti-lepton, or neither
Show that baryon number is conserved in β– decay.
If the lepton number is conserved in the following decay, identify whether particle X should be a neutrino or anti-neutrino
Step 1: Determine the lepton number of all the particles on both sides of the equation
Step 2: Identify the lepton number of X
Step 3: State the identity of particle X
Identifying the charge, baryon number or lepton number of an unknown particle can be some of the easiest questions if the correct values for each particle are memorised! The most common mistake is thinking that the electron has a lepton number of –1 because it's charge is negative, it has a lepton number of +1 and it's the positron that has a lepton number of -1.
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