The radius and direction of particle tracks is used to determine momentum and charge. Creation and annihilation is also observable
The image shows red and yellow tracks in a cloud chamber. The magnetic field goes into the page.
a) Explain how you can tell from the image that a particle-antiparticle pair is being created.
b) Identify which track represents a negatively charged particle.
Part (a)
Step 1: Comment on the source of the tracks
Step 2: Comment on the radius of the tracks
Step 3: Comment on the direction of the tracks
Part (b)
Step 1: Determine the direction of particle velocity and centripetal force
Step 2: Apply Fleming's Left Hand Rule for the red track
Step 3: Check Fleming's Left Hand Rule for the yellow track
Sometimes, examiners will ask you to explain whether particles are simply moving upward or downward across an image. The first thing to consider should be the radius of the particle track: you expect the radius to be decreasing, because charged particles will tend to continue ionising other particles around them - hence losing kinetic energy.
As their kinetic energy decreases, so does their momentum - and hence, track radius will also decrease. This should be enough to determine which direction the particle is coming from and heading towards!
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