A copper rod moves within a magnetic field when current is passed through it
F = BIL sin θ
Magnitude of the force on a current carrying conductor depends on the angle of the conductor to the external B field
A current of 0.87 A flows in a wire of length 1.4 m placed at 30o to a magnetic field of flux density 80 mT.
Calculate the force on the wire.
Step 1: Write down the known quantities
Step 2: Write down the equation for the magnetic force on a current-carrying conductor
F = BIL sin θ
Step 3: Substitute in values and calculate
F = (80 × 10-3) × (0.87) × (1.4) × sin (30) = 0.04872 = 0.049 N (2 s.f)
Remember that the direction of current is the flow of positive charge (i.e. conventional current) and this is in the opposite direction to the flow of electrons (i.e. electron flow)!
Fleming's Left Hand Rule. Remember, current is the flow of conventional current (i.e. positive to negative)
A current flows perpendicularly to a uniform magnetic field as shown in the diagram below.
As a result, the conductor carrying the current experiences a magnetic force, F.
Determine the direction of the current flowing in the conductor.
Step 1: Apply the instructions for Fleming's Left Hand Rule
First finger is the magnetic field, B = into the page (or screen!)
Thumb is the direction of the magnetic force F = vertically downwards
Step 2: Determine the direction of the conventional current
You will certainly need to apply Fleming's Left Hand Rule in your examination, at some point, whenever there is a current or charge flowing in a magnetic field. Remember, it is used to give the direction of either the magnetic force F, the magnetic field B, or the conventional current (or flow of positive charge) I.
As ever, you will gain more confidence twisting your arm in funny positions with three fingers at right-angles the more questions you practise: the more, the better!
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