Simple force-extension graph showing the Hooke's Law region, and the calculation to find k, the spring constant
The key features of the graph are:
Detailed force-extension graph showing a material under loads which exceed the elastic limit
The graph below shows force plotted against extension for a material under compressive forces.
Use the letters marked to identify the elastic limit and yield point, and define both terms.
Step 1: Define both terms
Step 2: Using your definitions as prompts, select the correct point on the graph
The detailed graph looks confusing at first because it is such an unusual shape. Try tracing out the line with your finger to see how force and extension are related at each point on the graph.
When defining the terms, be very careful to state whether the material behaves in certain ways either before or after reaching that point.
For example, the limit of proportionality is the point 'beyond which' Hooke's Law no longer applies, not 'at which'.
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