Random error
Systematic error
Systematic errors on graphs are shown by the offset of the line from the origin
Representing precision and accuracy on a graph
Zero error
The difference between precise and accurate results
Good resolution and poor resolution in an ultrasound scanner. The good image manages to resolve the two objects into two distinct structures, whereas the poor image shows one fuzzy entity.
How to calculate absolute, fractional and percentage uncertainty
Combining Uncertainties
Adding / Subtracting Data
Multiplying / Dividing Data
Raising to a Power
A student achieves the following results in their experiment for the angular frequency, ω of a rotating ball bearing.
0.154, 0.153, 0.159, 0.147, 0.152
Calculate the percentage uncertainty in the mean value of ω.
Step 1: Calculate the mean value
mean ω = = 0.153 rad s–1
Step 2: Calculate half the range (this is the uncertainty for multiple readings)
× (0.159 – 0.147) = 0.006 rad s–1
Step 3: Calculate percentage uncertainty
× 100 % =
× 100 %
× 100 % = 3.92 %
It is a very common mistake to confuse precision with accuracy - measurements can be precise but not accurate if each measurement reading has the same error. Make sure you learn that precision refers to the ability to take multiple readings with an instrument that are close to each other, whereas accuracy is the closeness of those measurements to the true value.
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