An illustration of Income Inequality for the UK (green line) & Sweden (red line) using a Lorenz Curve Model. The income distribution in the UK is more unequal than that of Sweden
Diagram Analysis
The Gini Coefficient is calculated using the area beneath the line of equality
Diagram Explanation
Cause of Wealth & Income Inequality
Education, Training & Skills | Trade Unions | Benefit system | Pension payments |
The higher the skill level the higher the level of income. A country with a poor education system will see greater inequality than one with a good education system |
Countries with strong trade union membership tend to have higher levels of income. With low trade union membership, the exploitation of workers through low wages is easier |
Countries that provide a range of benefits (such as unemployment, disability, child support, housing support etc) raise the income of the lowest 20% of the population resulting in more equal distribution |
State pension payments ensure a minimum standard of living for retirees resulting in a more equal distribution of income. Countries without it have a much higher percentage of pensioners living in poverty |
Wage Rates | Employment Legislation | Tax Structure | Asset Ownership |
The purpose of a national minimum wage is to improve the equity in the distribution of income. Without it, more households would be earning less & inequality would increase |
Generally, the more workers are protected by law, the better the income distribution in an economy e.g. maternity benefits ensure that new mothers have a higher level of income during the first months of leave after a birth |
Progressive tax systems allow all income earners to contribute to public revenue according to their ability. Decreasing taxes on the lower end & increasing it on the upper end would mean that the system is more progressive & there would be a more equal distribution of income |
Assets generate income. The more equal the asset ownership in an economy the less the inequality in income distribution. This was one reason why the UK government changed the law in 1980 allowing council house tenants the right to buy their property at a discounted rate. It is also a reason for the current shared ownership scheme |
The Kuznets Curve illustrates how income inequality first increases with industrialisation before then decreasing
Diagram Analysis
The Kuznets Curve described above is not in the syllabus. However the Principal Examiner mentions it in the Guide as one way in which critical thinking can be demonstrated when approaching questions on income inequality in developing nations.
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