The Positive Results Testing for the Presence of Group 2 Ions
Damp red litmus paper turning blue in the presence of ammonia gas
The white, cream and yellow precipitates formed when halide ions react with silver nitrate solution
Results of the test with ammonia to further distinguish between silver halide precipitates
When carbon dioxide gas is bubbled into limewater it will turn cloudy as calcium carbonate is produced
Ba2+ (aq) + SO42- (aq) → BaSO4 (s)
A white precipitate of barium sulfate is a positive result for the presence of sulfate ions
HCl is added first to remove any carbonates which may be present and would also produce a precipitate and interfere with the results.
The bromine water test is the standard test for unsaturation in alkenes
Positive Test Result:
The colour changes associated with testing for primary and secondary alcohols
Positive Test Result:
The test tube on the left shows a negative 2,4-DNPH test and the tube on the right shows a positive test
Positive Test Result:
The Ag+ ions in Tollens’ reagent are oxidising agents, oxidising the aldehyde to a carboxylic acid and getting reduced themselves to silver atoms
Positive Test Result:
The copper(II) ions in Fehling’s solution are oxidising agents, oxidising the aldehyde to a carboxylic acid and getting reduced themselves to copper(I) ions in the Cu2O precipitate
Positive Test Result:
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