统计学主要探讨数据的收集,处理,理解以及检验。要求学生具备设计实验以及数据分析的能力。很多的题目源于实际生活, 需要学生根据描述确定对应的分析模型。对学生的提炼总结能力有比较高的要求。
今天我们就一起来看一道AP统计学真题及答案~ 2023AP考试报名中!
A large clinical trial was designed to determine whether a certain vitamin improves the general health of adults.The investigators first identified 85 variables that measure various aspects of the general health of adults.Because each adult in the clinical trial was to serve as his or her own control, the 85 variables were measured for each adult, both before taking the vitamin and after taking the vitamin for three months. The investigators then performed 85 matched-pair t-tests, one for each variable. They found statistically significant results at the 0.05 level in 2 of the variables, both in the direction of improved general health. Which of the following should the investigators conclude?
(A) There is evidence that the vitamin improves the health of adults because 2 of the 85 tests were statistically significant.
(B) There is evidence that the vitamin improves the health of adults because in clinical trials investigators typically underestimate the proportion of the population that is helped by a vitamin.
(C) There is insufficient evidence that the vitamin improves the health of adults because at the 0.05 significancelevel, one could easily get statistically significant results in 2 out of 85 tests just due to chance variability.
(D) There is insufficient evidence that the vitamin improves the health of adults because the sample size of 85 is not large enough to draw a conclusion.
(E) No conclusion can be drawn because an even number of variables is needed for a matched-pairs design.
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