IB世界学校IB World School
北大附属嘉兴实验学校是IB世界学校,已经正式获得IBDP授权(IBIS school code:052067) IB即International Baccalaureate,国际文凭课程,是国际教育公认的领导者。我校国际部目前设有小学、初中、高中。
PKUES(Jiaxing) is an IB world school(IBIS school code:052067).
The International Baccalaureate(IB) that offers a continuum of international education,is an acknowledged leader in international education.The International division has elementary school, junior school and senior school.
At present, there are nearly 200 students in the International Division, with a total of 53 teachers and 25 foreign teachers, including 4 doctors and 34 masters, 72% with a master's degree or above, and 100% with a bachelor's degree or above.
IB学习者十大培养目标IB Learner Profile
The International Division, together with IB, integrates Chinese curriculum standards in accordance with international school standards, offering primary and junior school bilingual integration courses, high school IBDP courses, providing all of our students with opportunities to pursue academic and personal excellence in international community environments.
海外升学指导中心College Counseling Center由专业的升学指导老师结合IB课程的特点和国外大学入学要求,提供专业留学申请服务,指导学生制定升学计划,并逐步实施,以顺利进入理想的国外大学。
Combined with the characteristics of IB curriculum and foreign university admission requirements, the university counseling teachers will provide professional application services to guide students to plan further studies, and gradually implement the plans in order to successfully enter the ideal foreign universities.
优秀的国际化师资队伍Excellent International FacultyDr. Rockey W. du Randt (South African)国际校长 Head of School (International)
Rockey 博士曾在上海长宁国际学校(总校)担任校长3年,为职业 IB 国际校长,有着从事国际教育近 30 年的经验和多地优秀的 IB 国际学校担任校长职务的经历。
Rockey 博⼠也是 IB 官⽅的授权官、DP 科学学科考试官,和 IB 全球总部的课程开发的重要成员,曾帮助过许多优秀的学生取得了满意的 IBDP 考试分数,并实现了他们进入诸如哈佛大学、⽜津大学、剑桥大学、伦敦政治经济学院、圣安德鲁斯大学等一系列世界顶尖大学学习的机会。
B.Sc.(Zoology, Biochemistry, Botany, Physics, Geology) South Africa;H.D.E.(South Africa) BA Educational Psychology South Africa;MA Curriculum USA; Ph.D. International Educational Management USA; EOT (Oxford, UK); PTC (Miami & London); CTC (London);BTC (Miami); IBEN (Asia Pacific &Africa, Middle East & Europe). IBO IBEN; Council of International Schools (CIS) Accreditation Leader.30 Years’ Experience – South Africa, Turkey, Latvia, China (Shanghai).
李晗( Li Han),北大附属嘉兴实验学校国际部副校长,11年教学经验,曾担任人民大学外语学院讲师(聘)。5年欧洲地区海外工作经验。书籍公开出版发行:《世界500强名企简历模版》、《商务英语文书应急大全》、《雅思阅读黄金技巧26条》及《新托福真题词汇分类速记宝典》、《国际商务英语演示与谈判完全手册》等。
Deputy Head of International Division. He was the lecturer of Foreign Language Academy in China Renmin University. He has rich work experience-working as a teacher for 11 years, working overseas for 5 years. Many of his writings have been published, like Model Resumes for the Global 500 companies, Documents for Business English, 26 Golden Skills for IELTS reading, TOFEL-IBT Vocabulary Fast Track,The Complete Guide to English Business Communication, etc. Eric Heim (American)
Master of Arts, Teaching: Towson University, Towson, Maryland, USA; Bachelor of Science, Astronomy: University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA.National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (Mathematics) State of Arizona: (Physics;Mathematics, Structured English Immersion).Nearly 30 years full-time teaching experience Physics, Astronomy, Physical Science and Mathematics.General Science, College Physics, College Astronomy, AP (Physics); IB (Mathematics, Physics), IGCSE Science, Math, and Mittelstufe (Germany) curricula in Physics and Mathematics.Gregory Watt (Australian)
澳大利亚爱迪斯科文大学信息科学教学证书。Lower School (MS + ES) Principal, Head of LS Libraries PYP & MYP Advisor. Dip. Teach /B. Arts (Library Science/Biology) ECU Australia. B.Ed.(Computers in education) ECU Australia. P Grad. Dip Ed. (Information science) ECU Australia. M. Ed (Educational technology leadership) CSU Australia. M. App. Sci (Library Science) CSU Australia. Ph.d (in progress) Melbourne University.Desiree Rivas (American)
西班牙语硕士、现代语言学学士,有美国亚利桑那州高级教师资格证。教英语ESOL,有19年以上教学经验,2009至2011年任教于Dysart高中和Willow Canyon高中,曾任教于上海长宁高中学部。
She holds Master Degree of Arts, Spanish and Bachelor Degree of Arts, Modern Language and Culture; she is also the owner of Senior Teaching License of State of Arizona.She works in “Teaching English as Second Language of Learners” field for 19 years. 2009-2011, she works in Dysart Middle School and Willow Canyon Middle School; In she used to teach at Shanghai Changning International School, Middle School Department.Rashmi Moghe (Indian)
M.Lib.I.Sc (Library Management) RTMN University, India. M.Info.St. (Children's Librarianship) Charles Sturt University, Australia. SLMS (Library Media Specialist) Rutgers State University of New Jersey, USA.Sarah Niemann (British)
Sociology &Cultural Anthropology. B.A.(Hons) Costume Design (University of Bournemouth).B.A. Social Anthropology (University of Cambridge). P.G.C.E. Secondary (University of Cambridge). M.Ed. Researching Practice (University of Cambridge).
Farmington Fellowship (University of Oxford).Victoria Kari (American)
Master of Fine Arts in Printmaking, State University of New York at New Paltz,Bachelor of Science in Visual Art Education, concentration in Painting and Drawing,Minor in Art History,State University of New York at New Paltz; Cum laude.Clayton Ksenych (Canadian)
B.F.A. (Theatre (Design) and English) University of Regina, Canada.B.E.A.D. (Secondary English, Drama and Social Studies), University of Regina, Canada.During the two year B.E.A.D., I completed an additional 3rd year in Arts Education K-12.Teaching experience in Ecuador, South Korea and Canada.Stuart Gilmer (Scottish)
B.Sc Marine Biology, Zoology, Ecology, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology), Scotland;Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (Science) Scotland; Advanced Diploma in Special Educational Needs, Scotland; Master TEFL Certificate 150hrs, Scotland; Certificate in Disability in Sport, Scotland; MA Coaching & Mentoring (ongoing), Scotland;Diploma in Educational Psychology;Diploma in Autism Awareness;IB Biology Cat 1 Workshop.Benjamin Zachary Garrett (American)
B.A. Music: University of Texas at Arlington, USA. Certified Music Educator: Early Childhood-12th Grade Texas, USA.TEFL Certification.8 years of combined experience teaching instrumental music and English as an additional language.Melanie May Forbes-Harper (Australian)
B.Sc (Exercise and Health), Australia; Grad Dip Ed (Major: Physical and Health Ed, Minor: Science), Australia.Sarah Magnussen Link (USA)
College Counselor, B.A. (hons) History of Art and Architecture (Brown University) Magna Cum Laude, M.A. Education (University College London Institute of Education).Five years' experience as an independent college counselor in London, UK, including US and UK admissions.Dianne Johnston-Watt (Australian)
Drama, B. Arts (English Literature/ Asian Studies) Murdoch University,M. Ed (Education/Literacy) Murdoch University,Grad Cert Education (Primary and Special Needs) Macquarie University.Maria Elizabeth du Plessis( South African )
She finished her undergraduate education in North West University, South Africa, received her Higher Education Diploma in Junior Primary and Pre-primary in 1995.She pursued TESOL ( Advanced with 120 Hours Course ), accumulated about 19 years’ experience in teaching. She has worked in many countries, like Emmanuel Private School in South Africa, International schools in Vietnam and Singapore.Shelley Milstein (South African)
B.Sc.(Zoology, Chemistry, Botany, Physics), South Africa. B.Sc. (Hons) Botany, South Africa. Higher Diploma in Education, South Africa. M. Ed (Env Edu), South Africa.Amanda Hart (Canadian)
B.Eng (Civil Engineering) Canada. B.Ed (Intermediate and Senior- General Science & Mathematics, and Senior Physics) Canada. Additional Qualification (Guidance and. Career Education, Part 1) Canada .Google Certified Educator, USA.Elisabeth Hollander (USA)
Bachelors of Music Education, Illinois State UniversityLuigi Acone(French)
M. Sc. (Applied Bioscience), University of New South Wales, Australia.B. Sc. (Applied Science, Chemistry), Victoria University of Technology, Australia. Grad. Dip. Ed. (Science) La Trobe University, Australia.David Honig (Canadian)
B.A. Sc (Biology & Psychology), Canada. B.Ed (General Science & Outdoor Education), Canada.Specialist Certificate (Physical Education), Canada.Kenneth Oneal S. Gan (USA)
管理学学士学位。教育学硕士在读,具备菲律宾教学资格证,具备IBDP企业管理、IB DP知识论训练以及IBDP TOK主考官、IBDP协调员经验。
Bachelor of Science in Management, Manila. Master of Arts in Education, major in Basic Education Teaching, Manila. Licensed Professional Teacher (Secondary), Philippines.IB DP Business Management (Cat. 1) trained. IBDP Theory of Knowledge (Cat. 1, 2) trained. IBDP TOK Examiner. IBDP Coordinator (Cat. 1) trained.Josmarlen Gabriela Hernandez Garcia (Venezuela)
文学学士, ESL课程老教师。
Bachelor's of Arts in Education with English Majoring, Carabobo University, Venezuela.
主题教学与活动Theme -based teaching and activities.
Theme -based teaching — Mid-Autumn
Theme -based teaching — Countries
英语周主题活动Theme -based activity — English Week
书本主题装扮日Theme -based activity — Book Dress Up Day
万圣节主题活动Theme -based activity — Halloween
春节主题活动Theme -based activity — The Chinese New Year
实地考察——植物园秋游探索Autumn Field Trip
实地考察——初中部昆山蒋巷实地拓展MS Teamwork Training
实地考察——11年级视觉艺术 陶艺体验 IBDP Visual Arts - ceramic workshop
实地考察——美国深度游学American study tour
汇报演出——七年级全员交响乐队Report Performance - Seventh Grade Symphony Orchestra
请输入标题 abcdefg请输入标题 bcdef汇报演出——IBDP音乐Report Performance - IBDP Music
汇报演出——查理和巧克力工厂Report Performance – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
CAS——慈善嘉年华CAS–Charity Carnival
The International Division of PKUES(JX), is built and managed in accordance with international school standards, so that students can enjoy pure international education without going abroad. Here, we provide teachers and students ample space to let the children's hearts bloom freely and soar under the guidance of the IB concept.
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