2. content words:内容关键词就是所有考纲的内容。根据题目中的内容关键词,你可以判断出你的文章的重点是什么,怎么筛选知识点。
a. Explain the market failure, which arises from the characteristics of public goods.
b. Discuss whether the use of cost-benefit analysis helps to improve economic decision-making.
根据 content words,我们可以看出,这题考的重点是第三章的知识点;问题分为 2 个部分,建议时间分配 a 部分 20mins,b 部分 30mins。
现在我们来看 directive words,一般来说,在 as 阶段,essay question 的 a 部分的 directive words 都是 explain ,而 b 部分的 directive words 都是 discuss。
Part a:
subject content 是 ‘the characteristics of public goods’,所以你的 essay 里你要简单介绍这些特征;
directive words 是 explain,意味着你要解释说明原因,在这里,你要解释为什么 the characteristics of public goods 会导致 market failure,最好再通过具体典型的例子来围绕说明。比如,你可以通过 national defense 的例子来解释。
Part b:
B 部分的 directive word 是 discuss,也就是说,文章一定要写双面,即正反面,切忌。 why cost-benefit analysis can improve economic decision making and why in some cases, it does not ‘improve economic decision making’。也就是说CBA 使用的优势以及此方法的问题。同样的,通过穿插例子,边解释理论,边结合 example,这样你的文章才能上一个档次
Goleman’s four main EI competencies
Social awareness
Social skills
Motivation Theories
Main content theorists (Maslow,Taylor, Mayo, Herzberg)
Maslow: Physical => Safety => Social =>Esteem => Self actualisation
Taylor: Man is driven by money alone.Applied the scientific approach to management:
Select => Observe => record => Identify quickest method => Train => supervise => Pay by results
Motivation improved by: Consulting workers / Working in teams /Workers making decisions that affect themselves /Establishing targets
Less affected by: Working conditions
Satisfiers(Motivators):Achievement / Recognition / Work / Responsibility / Advancement Dissatisfiers(Hygiene):Company policies and administrations / Supervision / Salary / Relationships with others / Working conditions
Process theorists (McClelland, Vroom)
McClelland:three types of motivational need
AS物理考试分3次,最早的一次是structured questions, 在5月5日,再迟一点的是practicals,最晚的是multiple choices,在6月10日。因此,建议大家多针对P2的考题进行复习,并且在做习的时候侧重P2。
第二种是证明题,标志性单词"show that"。对待这种题型时候需要小心,首先必须be aware 要考的是哪些知识点,另外还要正确的展示出你的思维过程,逆推或者以结论证明结论都不行。
第三种是最被大家所憎恶的"definition","what is meant by", "describe and explain", "state and explain"这些类型。大家憎恶"definition"和"what is meant by", 大部分原因是这些需要记忆,事实上细心的人会发现,每一条"definition"都有keywords,只要keywords写到了,就没问题啦;而"describeand explain", "state and explain"这种类型,一般需要先describe或者state, 而后需要explain,在解释过程中,需要展示给examiner的是你认为需要用到的知识点,以及能够将这些知识点串到一起的正确的逻辑思维。
第四种是"design experiment",这种恐怕是大部分人不习惯的,因为它是“非典型性结构题”。这些实验通常会出现在课本上,但是由于某些原因被大家忽略,即使有人注意到了,在碰到它时可能因为不知道如何去描述而导致整道题死光光,因此这种题得分率一般很低。
但是有经验的人会注意到,这种题的回答方法其实有技巧,一般都是diagram with label + description + explanation, 或者diagram with label + measurement +data analysis.
Molecular formula
Structural formula
Displayed formula
Skeletal formula
Three‐dimensional structures
Functional groups: within a class of compounds all the compounds consist of molecules with a particular atom, or grouping of atoms, called a functional group.
Functional group can be alkanes, alkenes, arenes, and belows.
(sigma bonds; pi bonds)
Structural isomerism
Chain isomerism
Position isomerism
Functional group isomerism
Stereo isomerism
Cis-‐trans isomerism
Optical isomerism
Organic reactions:
Fission of bonds
nucleophile: a donator of a pair of electron
Other types of organic reactions
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