经济更换了考纲之后,utility和indifference curve最近两年在Paper 4连续出现了12次!按理说,这么高频的考题,一定是有很多知识点的。然而这就是cie经济考试神奇的地方,我们翻看对应syllabus的时候,只有短短四行!
粗看syllabus,大家可能觉得这些知识点非常简单,不就是MU随着消费的变多而降低,MUA/PA =MUB/PB,消费者会在indifference curve和budget line相切的地方消费嘛。
然而一看题目,这考的都是啥?utility里为啥还要讨论广告对消费者的影响?indifference curve还能推导demand curve?价格改变不同goods的income effect和substitution effect到底怎么处理?
别担心!在翻遍了过去六十多张past papers,反复研究所有的report之后,CIE经济98分,牛津毕业的朱老师帮大家整理好了所有必须掌握的知识点,并做成了视频带给大家!
今天首先为大家带来的是utility,下期我们会讲解indifference curve。朱老师觉得,这种每年都出的考题,不会实在是太可惜了!
utility, law of diminishing marginal utility
Equi-marginal principle
Derivation of individual demand curve
Limitations and assumptions of utility theory
Influence of advertising and income
Bounded rationality and Heuristics
那老师!知识点我都学会了,但我考试不会写题,怎么办?这就是我们的核心竞争力啦!大家可能可以找到一些网上的经济资料或者revision guide,但是提供cie sample essay的仅我们一家!视频的后半部分朱老师为大家带来最有代表性的考题的sample essay供大家参考,如果知识点实在难以理解,背出sample essay也是一个很好的选择!
Sample EssayQ1 Explain how utility theory can be used to determine the downward slope of ademand curve. [12]
Q2 Analyse what is meant by the equi-marginal principle of consumer demand and whether it can be linked to the derivation of a market demand curve. [13]
Q3 Economic analysis adequately explains how a rational consumer determines a
pattern of consumption from a given income in a perfect market with no advertising. It does not explain the more common case of what happens if income changes or if there is advertising. The theory is, therefore, of little merit.
Do you agree with these assertions? [25]
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