A direction vector of the line (or the position vector of another point)
There are two formulas for getting a vector equation of a line:
r = a + t (b - a)
use this formula when you know the position vectors a and b of two points on the line
r = a + td
use this formula when you know the position vector a of a point on the line and a direction vector d
Both forms could be compared to the Cartesian equation of a 2D line
How do I determine if a point is on a line?
Each different point on the line corresponds to a different value of t
For example: if an equation for a line is r = 3i + 2j - k + t (i + 2j)
the point with coordinates (2, 0, -1) is on the line and corresponds to t = -1
However we know that the point with coordinates (-7, 5, 0) is not on this line
No value of t could make the k component 0
Can two different equations represent the same line?
Why do we say a direction vector and not the direction vector? Because the magnitude of the vector doesn’t matter; only the direction is important
we can multiply any direction vector by a (non-zero) constant and this wouldn’t change the direction
Therefore there are an infinite number of options for a (a point on the line) and an infinite number of options for the direction vector
For Cartesian equations – two equations will represent the same line only if they are multiples of each other
Worked Example
Exam Tip
Remember that the vector equation of a line can take many different forms. This means that the answer you derive might look different from the answer in a mark scheme.
You can choose whether to write your vector equations of lines using reference unit vectors or as column vectors – use the form that you prefer!
If, for example, an exam question uses column vectors, then it is usual to leave the answer in column vectors, but it isn’t essential to do so - you’ll still get the marks!