The product of the speed of the ultrasound in the medium and the density of the medium
Z = ρc
Refraction and reflection of ultrasound waves at a boundary between two materials with different acoustic impedances (in this case, Z1 < Z2 )
The table shows the speed of sound acoustic impedance in four different materials.Use this to calculate the value for the density of bone.
Step 1: Write down known quantities
Acoustic impedance of bone, Z = 7.0 × 106 kg m-2 s-1
Speed of ultrasound in bone, c = 4100 m s-1
Step 2: Write out the equation for acoustic impedance
Z = ρc
Step 3: Rearrange for density and calculate
A common mistake is to confuse the c in the acoustic impedance equation for the speed of light - don’t do this!
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