The time taken for the charge of a capacitor to decrease to 0.37 of its original value
The graph of voltage-time for a discharging capacitor showing the positions of the first three time constants
A capacitor of 7 nF is discharged through a resistor of resistance R. The time constant of the discharge is 5.6 × 10-3 s.Calculate the value of R.
Step 1: Write out the known quantities
Capacitance, C = 7 nF = 7 × 10-9 F
Time constant, τ = 5.6 × 10-3 s
Step 2: Write down the time constant equation
τ = RC
Step 3: Rearrange for resistance R
Step 4: Substitute in values and calculate
The initial current through a circuit with a capacitor of 620 μF is 0.6 A. The capacitor is connected across the terminals of a 450 Ω resistor.Calculate the time taken for the current to fall to 0.4 A.
Step 1: Write out the known quantities
Initial current before discharge, I0 = 0.6 A
Current, I = 0.4 A
Resistance, R = 450 Ω
Capacitance, C = 620 μF = 620 × 10-6 F
Step 2: Write down the equation for the exponential decay of current
Step 3: Calculate the time constant
τ = RC
τ = 450 × (620 × 10-6) = 0.279 s
Step 4: Substitute into the current equation
Step 5: Rearrange for the time t
The exponential can be removed by taking the natural log of both sides:
Make sure you’re confident in rearranging equations with natural logs (ln) and the exponential function (e). To refresh your knowledge of this, have a look at the AS Maths revision notes on Exponentials & Logarithms
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