The reduction in energy and amplitude of oscillations due to resistive forces on the oscillating system
Damping on a mass on a spring is caused by a resistive force acting in the opposite direction to the motion. This continues until the amplitude of the oscillations reaches zero
Make sure not to confuse resistive force and restoring force:
A graph for a lightly damped system consists of oscillations decreasing exponentially
The graph for a critically damped system shows no oscillations and the displacement returns to zero in the quickest possible time
A heavy damping curve has no oscillations and the displacement returns to zero after a long period of time
A mechanical weighing scale consists of a needle which moves to a position on a numerical scale depending on the weight applied. Sometimes, the needle moves to the equilibrium position after oscillating slightly, making it difficult to read the number on the scale to which it is pointing to.Suggest, with a reason, whether light, critical or heavy damping should be applied to the mechanical weighing scale to read the scale more easily.
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