Peaks represent different molecules from the sample - each roughly taking the shape of a triangle
The area under each peak is the relative concentration of each component (the peak integration value)
Area under the peak = ½ x base x height
If the area under each peak is very small or too difficult to decipher, the height of peaks are used for further analysis
To find the area under each peak, treat each peak as a triangle - see the examples shown using blue triangles in the diagram
Percentage composition of a mixture
We can calculate the amount of a particular molecule in a sample by using an expression
If a chromatogram shows peaks for alcohols A, B, C and D, to calculate the % composition of alcohol C, use this expression:
Explain Retention Times
Retention time is the time taken for a sample molecule to travel through the column, from the time it is inserted into the machine to the time it is detected
Molecules in the gaseous mixture travel at different rates, therefore giving rise to different retention times
Longer retention times are associated with:
Non-polar components in the mixture
They are more attracted to the non-polar liquid in the stationary phase
So non-polar molecules travel slower through the column
Shorter retention times are associated with:
Polar components in the mixture that prefer to interact with the carrier gas
They are less attracted to the non-polar liquid in the stationary phase
So polar molecules travel faster through the column
These molecules may have lower boiling points, therefore are vapourised more readily