The diagram shows a higher concentration of particles in (b) which means that there are more particles present in the same volume than (a) so the chances and frequency of collisions between reacting particles is increased causing an increased rate of reaction
The diagram shows a higher pressure in (b) which means that the same number of particles occupy a smaller volume, resulting in an increased collision frequency and therefore increased rate of reaction
Isomerisation of cyclopropane
Concentrations of cyclopropane & propene table
The graph shows that the concentration of propene increases with time
Line a shows the average rate over the first five minutes whereas line b shows the actual initial rate found by drawing a tangent at the start of the curve. The calculated rates are very similar for both methods
= 0.0009 mol dm-3 s-1
= 0.0005 mol dm-3 s-1
The rate of reaction at 3 different concentrations of cyclopropane is calculated by drawing tangents at those points in the graph
Change in rate with decreasing concentration of cyclopropane table
The graph shows a directly proportional correlation between the concentration of cyclopropane and the rate of reaction
To calculate the rate of reaction you can either use the increase in concentration of products (like in the example above) or the decrease in concentration of reactants.
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