此次回答大家提问的是多伦多大学国际招生处的副主任(Assistant Director, International Student Recruitment at the University of Toronto)Natasha Bijelich,想申多大的同学赶紧拿出小板凳坐好~
Provided the private school is an accredited school, theUniversityofTorontowill consider students for a provisional offer of admission on predicted A-level results.
TheUniversityofTorontowould require the student to present their full academic history and appropriate documentation; if the student did not complete any GCSEs, we would require proof of their studies prior to their A-levels.
There are some programs at the University which require supplemental applications or auditions for admission, including programs in the following areas: Rotman Commerce; the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering; the Faculty of Kinesiology; the Faculty of Music; the Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, & Design; Theatre & Drama at U of T Mississauga; Management, Co-op Management, double degree (BBA/BSc) programs, Co-op International Development Studies and Paramedicine, all at the U of Scarborough campus. These programs all require the successful completion of a supplementary application that is factored into the admission decision for these areas; if a student fails to complete the supplementary application or does not answer the questions to the satisfaction of each of the faculties or campuses, students may be refused admission to their program of choice.
The vast majority of programs at U of T do not require supplemental applications and admission is based on academic performance. As a result, for the programs that ask for these supplemental applications, the information provided by the students is very important in the admission decision.
TheUniversityofTorontodoes not publish admission rates for undergraduate programs.
Basic entry requirements are the same for all campuses and programs at the University (http://future.utoronto.ca/apply/requirements/international-high-school-secondary-university-or-college-post-secondary#BPE). Each year, the competitiveness of the campuses and programs will vary based on the applicant pool of that year. Competitive applicants completing their A-levels are generally presenting predicted grades of “A”s & “B”s for admission consideration, however more competitive programs may require higher scores. As mentioned, those competitive programs may vary from year to year, depending on the applicant pool.
6. A-level成绩申请, 什么样的成绩可以申请奖学金呢?
Admission scholarships require competitive predicted scores in A-levels, generally in the “A” to “A*” range.
Co-op programs offer students the ability to earn their U of T degree while gaining up to a year’s worth (or more) of relevant paid employment experience in the working world. These positions provide students with on-the-job learning within full-time, salaried work terms in industries, organizations and businesses relevant to their field of study. There are over 55 options in Co-op at the U of T Scarborough campus; our St. George and Mississauga campuses offer students in programs such as Computer Science, Business (including Rotman Commerce) and Engineering, a 12 to 16 month work opportunity called the PEY – Co-op program. Many of the students that complete our Co-op or PEY Co-op programs return to school with a confirmed or tentative job offer post-graduation.
Co-op专业为学生提供获得多大学位的能力,同时还有长达一年或更长时间的带薪实习。通过学期内在专业相关的行业、组织或商业全职带薪工作这些职位,学生可以边做边学。多大士嘉堡校区有超过55个Co-op专业;圣乔治与密西沙加校区的计算机科学、商务(包括罗特曼商学院)、工程等专业可以为学生提供一种叫做PEY – Co-op的12-16个月的工作机会。很多完成Co-op 或PEY – Co-op的学生毕业后都获得了确定的工作offer或暂定的工作offer。
8. 罗特曼商学院申请上有什么建议,教授喜欢什么品质的学生,每年大概录取多少中国本科生,是否有推荐阅读书单,就业方向有哪些?
Rotman Commerce is seeking to admit outstanding students that have demonstrated academic excellence, have an understanding of leadership and community and a passion for the world of business. Students should be prepared to present their abilities, strengths and varied interests beyond the classroom with meaningful and concise thoughts so that the Rotman Commerce admissions committee will feel confident in welcoming those students to the University. Each year, Rotman Commerce and theUniversityofTorontoreceive more applications from qualitied applicants than we have spots available.
There is no reading list provided to students in advance.
The Rotman Commerce employment report is available on their website here: https://issuu.com/rotmancommerce-uoft/docs/employment_report-final_2017.
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