Penn Summer Prep Program宾大暑期预备项目为宾大众多高中生暑期项目之一,共分两期,每期两周,主要为学生提供了一个在常春藤充满活力的学习环境中探索一系列liberal arts and science人文和科学领域。宾大鼓励所有在这方面有强烈兴趣的学生在宾大丰富教育资源的环境下,参与这个大学本科水平的课程学习。不仅可以体验宾大充满历史的校园,还可以探索充满活力的费城。
在课程中,宾大为那些世界各地有才华又对知识充满渴望的学生设计了一系列多样严谨的沉浸市学习模块(modules),均由宾大讲师授课。虽然整个课程都没有学分,但是学生把他们的激情完全释放在他们感兴趣的领域上,而不是为了分数学习。在深入学习的过程中,很多学生会对跨学科的话题游乐更深入的了解,有望成为下一代批判性思想家和全球公民,并在我们的帮助下,磨炼学术成长的必要技能。所有完整参加完该项目学生都将收获Certificate of Completion,更有可能得到宾大教师的推荐信。
Penn Summer Prep Program项目共分为Session A和Session B两期。录取后的学生将会在课程顾问的指导下,在每期中分别选择参加上午和下午两个模块的学习,每个module都是从各个学科中精心挑选出可以代表宾大本科课程的深度和广度的课程。每天,每个module都需要学生参与两个半小时,可能在上午也可能在下午,课后会有老师布置阅读、写作或者作业等内容。不过学生要做好花更多的时间在课外学习上的心理准备。2020年不同Session的课程选择大致如下:
Module Name | Subject Area(s) |
Chasing the Cloud: Introduction to Networked Infrastructures | Communications;Computer Science |
Creative Launchpad: Intro to Making Things Up and Writing Them Down | English and Writing |
Critical Approaches to Popular Culture | Communications |
The Extraordinary Student | College Prep;Sciences |
Fine Art Photography | The Arts |
Genomics and Bioinformatics | Computer Science;Sciences |
Introduction to Data Visualization in R | Computer Science |
Public Speaking, Debating and Persuasion | College Prep |
The Biology of Antidepressants | Sciences |
Module Name | Subject Area(s) |
Anthropology: The Study of Culture and Society | Philosophy and Society |
Introduction to Film Studies | The Arts |
Living in a Science Fiction World | English and Writing |
Media, Activism, and Social Movements | Communications;Philosophy and Society |
Public Argument in the Age of Hashtags | Communications;English and Writing |
Puzzles and Patterns in Language: Introduction to Linguistic Analysis | Communications;English and Writing |
Reading Plato’s 'Republic' | Philosophy and Society |
Urban Justice: Race, Politics and Protest in Literature and Culture | English and Writing;Philosophy and Society |
Writing the College Admissions Essay | College Prep;English and Writing |
Module Name | Subject Area(s) |
Chasing the Cloud: Introduction to Networked Infrastructures | Communications;Computer Science |
Climate Change on the Blue Planet | Sciences |
Creative Launchpad: Intro to Making Things Up and Writing Them Down | English and Writing |
Critical Approaches to Popular Culture | Communications |
The Extraordinary Student | College Prep;Sciences |
Fine Art Photography | The Arts |
Introduction to Geochemistry and Environmental Science | Sciences |
Plants and their Environment, with lab | Sciences |
Politics of Nature | Philosophy and Society;Sciences |
SciArt: The Intersection of Science and Art | The Arts;English and Writing;Sciences |
The Biology of Antidepressants | Sciences |
Module Name | Subject Area(s) |
Anthropology: The Study of Culture and Society | Philosophy and Society |
Climate Change on the Blue Planet | Sciences |
Genomics and Bioinformatics | Computer Science;Sciences |
Introduction to Avant-Garde Cinema | The Arts |
Introduction to Data Science using R | Computer Science |
Media, Activism, and Social Movements | Communications;Philosophy and Society |
Poetry, Performance, and Politics | Philosophy and Society;The Arts |
Reading Plato’s 'Republic' | Philosophy and Society |
The Fault in Our Star(t)s: Writing YA | English and Writing |
Think Like a Scientist: genetics and the scientific method | Sciences |
Virality and Information Diffusion | Communications |
Writing the College Admissions Essay | College Prep;English and Writing |
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