Greenhouse Gas Absorption Spectrum: Ozone absorbs nearly 100% ultraviolet rays, carbon dioxide absorbs radiation with wavelengths between 1.5 - 30 µm and water vapour from 0.8 - 35 µm. Most of the ultraviolet, visible, infrared and microwave radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere. The dark parts show radiation that is absorbed by each type of greenhouse gas. It is the ozone that restricts most of the outgoing infrared radiation from leaving the Earth's atmosphere.
Solar radiation is primarily short-wave, while the radiation that is re-emitted by earth is long-wave radiation
You may have heard of a separate environmental concern, described as the 'hole in the ozone layer'; this is not something that you need to know about. Ozone is an atmospheric gas that absorbs harmful UV radiation before it reaches earth, but any concerns about ozone depletion have nothing to do with the greenhouse effect. The problem of ozone depletion is one that has improved significantly due to measures taken to reduce certain types of emissions; humans can get it right sometimes!
You do not need to know the specific sources of each type of greenhouse gas – all you need to know is that each greenhouse gas has both natural and man-made origins
Greenhouse gases absorb the long-wave radiation emitted by Earth, warming the atmosphere
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