Total energy in, wasted energy and useful energy out shown on a Sankey diagram
Total energy in = Useful energy out + Wasted energy
Sankey diagram for modern vs. old filament light bulb
An electric motor is used to lift a weight. The diagram represents the energy transfers in the motor.
How much energy is wasted?
Step 1: State the conservation of energy
Total energy in = Useful energy out + Wasted energy
Step 2: Rearrange the equation for the wasted energy
Wasted energy = Total energy in – Useful energy out
Step 3: Substitute the values from the diagram
500 – 120 = 380 J
A small electric car is driven by a 120 Watt motor.
The useful power output of the motor is measured to be 33 W. While 36 W of power is wasted on friction losses and a further 36 W is wasted on traction losses.
Further power is lost by the electric car during operation. This situation is shown in the diagram below.
Determine what is the remaining power loss for the electric car when operating?
Step 1: State the conservation of energy
Total power in = Useful power out + Friction losses + Traction losses + Wasted power other losses
Step 2: Rearrange the equation for the wasted power
Wasted power other losses = Total power in – (Useful power out + Friction losses + Traction losses)
Step 3: Substitute the values from the diagram
120 – (33 + 36 + 36) = 15 W
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