Whilst the electrostatic force is a repulsive force in the nucleus, the strong nuclear force holds the nucleus together
The strong nuclear force is repulsive before a separation of ~ 0.5 fm and attractive up till ~ 3.0 fm
Feynman diagram of the interaction between an up and down quark. The gluon is the exchange particle between them.
Feynman diagram showing beta minus decay. The W– boson is the exchange particle
Feynman diagram showing beta plus decay. The W+ boson is the exchange particle
Feynman diagrams for electron capture and an electron-proton collision. These are equal except for the sign of the W boson
Feynman diagram of electromagnetic repulsion between two electrons shown by the exchange of a virtual photon
Exchange particles are virtual particles/bosons that mediate/carry/transmit the a fundamental force between interacting particles
Both skateboarders can create repulsion or attraction by throwing a ball or boomerang between them. The ball and boomerang represent exchange particles.
Table of Exchange Particles
You will be expected to remember which exchange particle mediates which fundamental interaction for your exam. This is particularly important when drawing Feynman diagrams, as the correct exchange particle will be expected to be on them.
The fundamental interactions in order of strength
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