Hadrons are defined as any particle made up of quarks
The six flavours of quarks
Each flavour of quark has a charge of either +⅔e or -⅓e
+⅔e + ⅔e - ⅓e = +1e
Each flavour of anti-quark has a charge of either -⅔e or +⅓e. The quark composition of anti-protons and anti-neutrons changes to anti-quarks
Particles are made up of a combination of three quarks or two quarks. Which quark combination would not give a particle a charge of -1 or 0?
A. up, strange, strange
B. charm, charm, down
C. top, anti-up
D. anti-up, anti-up, anti-strange
A K- particle has a strangeness of –1. Determine the quark structure of this particle.
The six leptons are all fundamental particles
Circle all the anti-leptons in the following decay equation.
The lepton number depends if the particle is a lepton, anti-lepton or neither
If the lepton number is conserved in the following decay, identify whether particle X should be a neutrino or anti-neutrino
Step 1: Determine the lepton number of all the particles on both sides of the equation
Step 2: Identify the lepton number of X
Step 3: State the particle X
Protons and neutrons are made up of three quarks
Step 1: Calculate number of protons:
Step 2: Calculate number of neutrons:
Step 3: Up quarks in a proton:
Step 4: Up quarks in a neutron:
Step 5: Total number of up quarks:
Beta minus decay is when a down quark turns into an up quark
Beta plus decay is when an up quark turns into a down quark
The equation for β– decay is
Using the quark model of beta decay, prove that the charge is conserved in this equation.
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