A nucleus with 84 protons and 126 neutrons undergoes alpha decay. It forms lead, which has the element symbol Pb.
Which of the isotopes of lead pictured is the correct one formed during the decay?
Step 1: Calculate the mass number of the original nucleus
84 + 126 = 210
Step 2: Calculate the new atomic number
84 – 2 = 82
Step 3: Calculate the new mass number
210 – 4 = 206
Plutonium-239 is a radioactive isotope that contains 94 protons and emits α particles to form a radioactive isotope of uranium. This isotope of uranium emits α particles to form an isotope of thorium which is also radioactive.
Write two equations to represent the decay of plutonium-239 and the subsequent decay of uranium.
Step 1: Write down the general equation of alpha decayStep 2: Write down the decay equation of plutonium into uranium
Step 3: Write down the decay equation of uranium into thorium
A radioactive substance with a nucleon number of 212 and a proton number of 82 decays by β-plus emission into a daughter product which in turn decays by further β-plus emission into a granddaughter product.
Which letter in the diagram represents the granddaughter product?
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