The University of Chicago Summer Session programs draw upon the interdisciplinary emphasis and intellectual richness ofthe College’s Core curriculum, allowing students to explore a host of differentsubjects through courses like “A Brief History of Doom: Ragnorak & OtherApocalypses,” “American Law & Litigation,” and “The Workings of the HumanBrain: From Brain to Behavior.” Students also have the option to engage with anumber of programs that are taught at the college level but designed for highschool students. A few examples are:
College Pathway Programs: Learn what makesUChicago one of the most innovative universities in the world! These three-weekimmersion courses cover subjects including Economics, Neuroscience, MolecularEngineering, Human Rights, and Model United Nations and feature guest lectures byUChicago faculty members who specialize in the field.
Stones and Bones: With Dr. Lance Grande,the Field Museum’s Distinguished Service Curator, study paleontology andexcavate fossils at a site with a 52-million-year-old community of extinctorganisms.
Arts & Sciences Summer in Chicago:Drawing upon the tenets of a liberal arts education, Arts and Sciences offershigh school students a pre-college program that cultivates critical thinking,innovative problem-solving, and effective communication skills.
Admissions Academy: In addition to selected courses, all studentshave the option to take part in workshops that focus on the holistic admissionsprocess, provide insights on admission to highly selective colleges anduniversities, and offer essay-writing tips.
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