All organisms need to transport materials to where they are needed inside their tissues
Small organisms (or relatively inactive animals like jellyfish) can rely on diffusion alone to transport oxygen, carbon dioxide and nutrients around their bodies
Larger organisms have more layers of cells, so diffusion alone is insufficient for transport of materials between cells further from the exchange surface of the organism
Circulatory systems are systems which transport fluids containing materials needed by the organism, as well as waste materials that need to be removed
Circulatory systems ensure that fluids containing these substances reach all of the cells in an organism quickly enough to supply their needs and remove waste
Humans have a closed, double circulatory system
A closed circulatory system is one in which blood is contained within a network of blood vessels
As opposed to an open circulatory system in which the fluid fills the body cavity e.g. as in insects
A double circulatory system passes through the heart twice for every one complete circuit of the body, with blood passing through two separate circuits known as pulmonary and systemic circulation
In the pulmonary circulatory system
The right side of the heart pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs for gas exchange
Blood pressure is lower in the pulmonary system; this prevents damage to the lungs
In the systemic circulatory system
Oxygenated blood returns to the left side of the heart from the lungs
The left ventricle then pumps the oxygenated blood at high pressure around the body