The basic structure of a nucleotide
A common error is to describe DNA or RNA as polymers of bases; more correctly, they are polymers of nucleotides
An RNA nucleotide compared with a DNA nucleotide
The structure of RNA
Nucleotide Structure Summary Table
You need to know the difference between DNA and RNA molecules (base composition, number of strands, pentose sugar present).
A DNA nucleotide
A single DNA polynucleotide strand showing 3 nucleotides in a sequence
A section of DNA – two antiparallel DNA polynucleotide strands held together by hydrogen bonds
DNA molecules form a three-dimensional structure known as a DNA double helix
Make sure you can name the different components of a DNA molecule (sugar-phosphate backbone, nucleotide, complementary base pairs, hydrogen bonds) and make sure you are able to locate these on a diagramRemember that covalent bonds join the nucleotides in the sugar-phosphate backbone, and hydrogen bonds join the bases of the two complementary strands togetherRemember that the bases are complementary, so the number of A = T and C = G. You could be asked to determine how many bases are present in a DNA molecule if given the number of just one of the bases.
Crick and Watsons' model has been universally accepted because all further research findings have supported their model.
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