雅思口语考试的评分标准大家都知道,有流利Fluency, 词汇Lexical resource,语法Grammatical range and accuracy,以及最后的发音Pronunciation。其中第二项词汇,考生误解很多。很多考生拍脑门式的以为词汇的高分就是要在考试时体现出自己词汇量大,要使用一些高级词汇,大词难词什么的。其实这种认知是有误的。
1. uses vocabulary with full flexibility and precision in all topics
2. uses idiomatic language naturally and accurately
在真实生活中,大多数人往往使用很多简单的词汇就能够表达丰富而复杂的信息,关键就在于他们能够对词汇灵活和准确的运用(flexibility and precision),他们不仅有一个知道的词库(knowing vocabulary),还有一个能够灵活而准确运用的词库(working vocabulary),而这才是广大英语学习者在口语练习中真正应该掌握的。
Flexibility词汇的灵活运用能够使人用有限的词汇表达出丰富的意思举个很简单的例子:“season”这个词大家都知道是“季节”的意思,如果讲到自己家乡季节时说“There are four seasons in my hometown: spring, summer, fall and winter”,这就不是灵活而是机械的使用,因为大家从小学习英文,都是机械似的只要提到季节一定是四个季节,而且一定是春夏秋冬,才不管你那儿是否只有三个季节或者是不是没有冬季什么的。
灵活的使用时能够使“season”这个单词真正为自己服务,使自己的语言能够表达出丰富的意思。比如说我仍然表达四季,但是我这样说“There are four seasons: the green season, spring; the red season, summer; the golden season, autumn; and the silver season, winter, because each of the four seasons, I believe, features a different color…”,这就是灵活,虽然仍然是春夏秋冬,但是却拥有了更丰富的意思。
也许有的地方就没有四季,而是天天烈日炎炎,就可以说“Well, there are only three seasons in my hometown, the hot season, the hotter season and the hottest season”,这句话看似简单却巧妙的使用了“season”一词描述出了热带地区的气候特征。再或者,“season”也可以被灵活的使用表达与季节完全不相关的意思。
例如“I’m so fed up with my life. There seems to be only one season for me throughout the year—the study season. I really wish I could have a holiday season”。当然,“season”也可以表示很多其它的意思,例如“调味”,我就可以说“She seems to enjoy a well-seasoned life”意思就是她的生活有趣且丰富多彩;我还可以说“He is a seasoned traveler”意思就是他是一个用丰富经历的旅行家。
例如我曾经读到一篇文章讲到动物的长相,其中说道长相丑陋的动物有他自己独特的生物意义,最后总结到“That’s the beauty of ugliness”。
我觉得这里“beauty of ugliness”用的太好了,于是就留心记下来以便以后什么地方使用。假如某一天,我要写一篇关于人的内在美或者“don’t judge a book by its cover”这方面的内容,这个短语就可以很好的被用上甚至作为标题:“I suppose it will never happen, but what a nice thing it would be, if the beauty of ugliness was celebrated in our society. What if the Ugly Duckling story was rewritten? Instead of turning into a swan, the duckling could learn to appreciate its youthful ugliness. Imagine again, the ugly shall learn to face the world armed only with their character. It will only be through practice, determination and plain hard work that they shall succeed in life, love and relationships. It’s just like a wise man who once said: blessed are the ugly for they know who they really are.”当然,进一步的学习还使我认识到,这样的说法实际上是一种被叫做“oxymoron”(矛盾修辞)的修辞方法,与此类似的还有“Let’s agree to disagree”,“Simplicity is not a simple thing”,“To lead people, walk behind them”等等,这些在以后的表达中也许都会用到。
但是大家一定要避免随意滥用flexibility原则!有的考生以为自己用很灵活的方式使用了词汇或巧妙的表达了意思,还很兴奋高兴,但是考官却没有能够理解该考生的意思,这是不可取的,因为语言的目的是为了交流。实在不会flexible use of vocabulary,我们宁可用最平白的方式精确的传达我们的信息。
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