The general formulae of the addition polymerisation of ethene (1) and chloroethene (2)
The addition polymerisation of ethene (1) and chloroethene (2)
The repeating units of poly(ethene) and poly(chloroethene) are similar to their monomer except that the C=C bond has changed into a C-C bond
Identify the monomers present in the given sections of addition polymer molecules:
Answer 1:
When ethenol (CH(OH)=CH2) is polymerised, the C-C double bond opens to produce a repeating unit of CH(OH)-CH2. This gives the polymer poly(ethenol)
Answer 2:
Answer 3:
The section of the polymer chain shown inside the square brackets by the structural or displayed formula is the repeat unit and not the monomerThe monomer is the same as the repeat unit except for that it has C=C bonds instead of C-C bonds
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