A composite function is where one function is applied after another function
The ‘output’ of one function will be the ‘input’ of the next one
Sometimes called function-of-a-function
A composite function can be denoted
How do I work with composite functions?
Recognise the notation
fg(x) means “f of g of x”
The order matters
First apply g to x to get
Then apply f to the previous output to get
Always start with the function closest to the variable
is not usually equal to
Special cases
fg(x) and gf(x) are generally different but can sometimes be the same
ff(x) is written as f2(x)
Inverse functions ff-1(x) = f-1f(x) = x
Exam Tip
Domain and range are important.In fg(x), the ‘output’ (range) of g must be in the domain of f(x), so fg(x) could exist, but gf(x) may not (or not for some values of x).