Challenge the Future, are you ready?挑战未来,你准备好了吗?
Dr. Theodore S. Faunce is an educationalist with particular interest in the future of education in China. Prior to his tenure as Headmaster of Chinese International School in Hong Kong from 2006 through 2017, Dr. Faunce served for eight years as Director of the American Section of the Lycée International in St. Germain-en-Laye, outside of Paris, also a dual-language school.
Dr. Theodore s.Faunce是一位对未来中国教育特别感兴趣的教育家。在2006年至2017年,他在香港汉基(IB)国际学校担任校长,在此之前,Dr. Faunce曾在巴黎郊外的圣日尔曼-莱因国际学院的美国分部担任过8年的主任,这也是一所双语学校。
Following graduation from The Hotchkiss School, Dr. Faunce attended Princeton University, where he earned his B.A. and Ph.D. in Romance Languages. He serves as a director for Teach for China and is a member of the Hong Kong X-Tech Advisory Committee and the Cyberport Advisory Council.
从霍奇基斯学校毕业后,Dr. Faunce 就读于普林斯顿大学,并在那里获得了罗曼语文学学士和博士学位。他在“Teach for China“担任主管,同时也是香港X-Tech咨询委员会和 Cyberport咨询委员会的成员。
Dr. Faunce was a recipient of the CASE Chief Executive Leadership Award (Asia-Pacific) in 2010. He has been a participant in the G20 Schools conference since 2009 and a keynote speaker at conferences throughout the Asia Pacific region.
Dr. Faunce曾获“2010年亚太区首席执行官领导奖“。自2009年以来,他一直是“G20 Schools”会议的参与者,也是亚太地区会议的主要发言人。
Today afternoon, the teachers from the ZSA kindergarten and the ZSA primary school had an opportunity to meet with Dr. Theodore Faunce who is an educational consultant for the OCEG group.
3月29日下午,ZSA课程荣幸地请到Dr. Theodore Faunce——原香港汉基国际学校校长,东方剑桥教育集团特聘教育顾问,与ZSA幼儿部和小学部的全体老师进行学术交流。
During the meeting Dr. Faunce gave a short speech on the internationalization of the educational system in China. Following that, he discussed the importance of the IB PYP professional development for teachers and its effect on the learning that is happening within the classrooms.
会议期间,Dr. Faunce首先就中国教育制度的国际化发表了简短的讲话。紧接着,他讨论了IB PYP的专业发展对教师的重要性及其对课堂教学的影响。
During the second part of the meeting, the teachers expressed a deep interest in different types of self-development and professional growth. Everyone felt that this exchange of ideas was a good first step towards establishing the Zhongshan Academy as a center of excellence within the local community.
In the following months Dr. Faunce will be visiting ZSA more often to provide support and guidance for both the primary school and the kindergarten. We're already looking forward to the next meeting!
在接下来的几个月里,ZSA的教师团队将会有更多机会与Dr. Faunce进行面对面的交流,Dr. Faunce将为ZSA小学和幼儿园提供更多地支持和指导。老师们非常期待下一次的会议!
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