今天MathsUp就带大家一起来读懂Grade Threshold Table,什么是component,这么多A,B,C,D,E, 还有一堆看似和自己有关,又看似无关的数字
How do we set grade thresholds?
A grade threshold is the minimum number of marks that a candidate needs to obtain a particular grade in a paper or in a subject.
简单来说,grade threshold就是各位在各科上拿各个档次的最低要求分数线
These thresholds are decided after each examination has been taken and marked. The aim in each year (or examination series) is to set each threshold in just the right place to ensure that it is no more difficult and no less difficult to obtain that grade than it was in the previous year.
To fulfil that aim we have to lower the thresholds from one examination to another if we find that the questions in a paper have been more difficult than last time (or raise the thresholds if we find the questions have been easier). This is to be fair to candidates from one series to another.
为啥这样子呢?!公平啊!因为,全球区域不同,大家做的同一学科的卷子也是不一样的,所以当然要调整分数线为保证公平,懂了吗? 所以说,不管往年拿A 多少分,你要做的就是拿出摘A*的努力和勤奋。
How to interpret our grade threshold tables
The table in the grade threshold document shows the thresholds taken in a particular examination series for each paper or other component that we marked (so not for teacher-marked components, for example).
The table also shows the thresholds used for the options available. An option is a permitted combination of papers or other components that make up the overall qualification. In the simplest cases, we can just add up the component thresholds to get the option threshold.
另外, 这张表格还包括一些组合卷的学科,比如IGCSE ADDITIONAL MATHS 两卷, ALEVEL MATHS 9709 四卷,都是组合卷,这些组合卷的最终成绩将会是被用来分档的。
而有的组合卷则是使用了权重比例,如刚刚提到的9709 数学,四卷各占一定的比例,最后才是大家alevel的数学成绩。
OMG!CIE 好烦啊!就不能一心一意好好考数学吗?
Grade A* does not exist as a component grade. The A* threshold at option level is calculated looking at the position of the A and B thresholds as a starting point.
如果是组合卷,每一个component不存在A*哦,但是组合卷最终会有A*档,而且这个档次是参考A 档和B 档的分数哦
For AS Level components, small adjustments may be made to the marks awarded for some versions of the paper, and to the component thresholds, in order to neutralise any differences in the difficulty of the versions taken in different countries, and so make sure that all candidates face an equal demand.
针对AS 阶段的,对于一些版本的卷子,分数上可能会有小小的调整,目的还是为了公平和差异性。
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