When we consider a limit in mathematics we look at the tendency of a mathematical process as it approaches, but never quite reaches, an ‘end point’ of some sort
We use a special limit notation to indicate this
How do I find a simple limit?
How do I find a limit to infinity?
If you attempt to evaluate a limit and get one of these two forms, you will need to try another strategy
This may just mean different or additional algebraic rearrangement
But it may also mean that you need to consider using l’Hôpital’s Rule or Maclaurin series to evaluate the limit
Do limits ever have ‘directions’?
Yes they do!
Worked Example
Continuity & Differentiability
What does it mean for a function to be continuous at a point?
If a function is continuous at a point then the graph of the function does not have any ‘holes’ or any sudden ‘leaps’ or ‘jumps’ at that point
One way to think about this is to imagine sketching the graph
So long as you can sketch the graph without lifting your pencil from the paper, then the function is continuous at all the points that your sketch goes through
But if you would have to lift your pencil off the paper at some point and continue drawing the graph from another point, then the function is not continuous at any such points where the function ‘jumps’
There are two main ways a function can fail to be continuous at a point:
If the function is not defined for a particular value of x then it is not continuous at that value of x
What does it mean for a function to be differentiable at a point?
We say that a function f(x) is differentiable at a point with x-coordinate x0, if the derivative f’(x) exists and has a well-defined value f’(x0) at that point
To be differentiable at a point a function has to be continuous at that point
So if a function is not continuous at a point, then it is also not differentiable at that point
But continuity by itself does not guarantee differentiability
This means that differentiability is a stronger condition than continuity
If a function is differentiable at a point, then the function is also continuous at that point
But a function may be continuous at a point without being differentiable at that point
This means there are functions that are continuous everywhere but are not differentiable everywhere
In addition to being continuous a point, differentiability also requires that the function be smooth at that point
‘Smooth’ means that the graph of the function does not have any ‘corners’ or sudden changes of direction at the point
An obvious example of a function that is not smooth at certain points is a modulus function |f(x)| at any values of x where f(x) changes sign from positive to negative
At any such point a modulus function will not be differentiable
Exam Tip
On the exam you will not usually be asked to test a function for continuity at a point
You should however be familiar with the basic ideas about continuity outlined above
On the exam you will not be asked to test a function for differentiability at a point
You should however be familiar with the basic ideas about differentiability and its relationship with continuity as outlined above