目前全日制在校学生 25749人,包括本科生 18133人,硕士研究生 5418人,博士研究生1483人,国际学生1060人。
China University of Geosciences(CUG) is a key national university affiliated to the Ministry of Education.
Asa member ofthe “Project 211”group and is a “DoubleFirst-Class” university project,The universityis Located along the shore of East Lake and seated at the foot of Mount NanWang, CUG offers world-classspecialization in geosciences, featuring two “Double First-Class”disciplines: Geology and Geological Resources and Geological Engineering.
Ithas a multidisciplinary system centered on Natural Science, Engineering,Literature, Management, Economics, Law, Pedagogy, Art and Philosophy etc.
Over 67 years, CUG has carriedthe motto of "be diligent and frugal, seek truth and bepractical", nearly 300,000talents have graduated from CUG.
At present, among the 25749registered full-time students at CUG, there are 18133 undergraduates, 5418master’s students, 1483 Ph.D. students and 1060 international students.
一、 项目介绍
I. Program Introduction.
All non-Chinese citizens with valid passportsbetween 18-25 years old who have high school diplomas or equivalent degrees,are of good character and conduct, and are physically and mentally healthy canapply for undergraduate degrees in China University of Geosciences (Wuhan).
1. 报名时未满18周岁的申请人且其父母不在中国境内常住的国际学生,须在2018年9月入学时提交相关证明文件(其父母正式委托在中国境内常住的外国人或者中国人作为该留学生的监护人的监护证明及护照复印件);
2. 原为中国公民、后加入外国国籍者,需持有效外国护照4年(含)以上,且通过出入境管理机构国籍认定方可按照外国留学生身份报名。
i. Applicantsunder age 18 must submit relevant supporting documents upon arrival on campusby September 2018(The applicant’s Guardian in china who will be designated by applicantparents should provide Guardian’s letter of guarantee and photocopy of guardian’spassport).
ii. Foreigners with foreign passports valid for atleast 4 years who are originally Chinese must register as internationalstudents after identifying their nationality in the exit-entry AdministrativeDepartment.
II. Educational system
International undergraduates will undertake a 4-year full-timeacademic program with courses taught in Chinese (some courses are taughtbilingually or in English).
Undergraduates will only be awarded graduationcertificates and bachelor's degrees upon completing the amount of creditsstipulated in their strategic plans within four years, as well as completingand passing the defense of their graduate thesis.
III. Tuition and Scholarships
i. ChineseGovernment Scholarship
ChinaUniversity of Geosciences (Wuhan) is designated by the Ministry of Education togrant qualified candidate students Chinese Government Scholarships.
1.SilkRoad Scholarship Program: This program is available for students from thecountries along the Belt and Road, as defined by the state.
Applicants will be selected according to the disciplines quota issued by the state.
The program is full scholarshipswith including tuition, a living allowance of 2500 RMB/month, on campusaccommodation and comprehensive medical insurance.
2. 中约大学奖学金项目:该项目仅针对约旦籍学生,学生申请需通过中国地质大学(武汉)、中国驻约旦使馆、中国国家留学基金委三方批准。
2.Chinese-Jordanian university scholarship program: This program is only open toJordanian students.
Applicants’ scholarship qualifications must be approved byCUG, the Chinese embassy in Jordan, and the China Scholarship Council.
Theprogram provides full scholarships (including tuition, a living allowance of2500 RMB/month, on campus accommodation and comprehensive medical insurance).
Applicants must also meet the requirements listed in this brochure.
3. 国别双边奖学金项目:为协助优秀国际学生顺利获得学生所在国家的中国使馆或教育部门推荐的奖学金名额,我校国际学生招生办公室可根据学生申请情况,预先提供申请者《预录取通知书》。
3. Bilateral Scholarship Programs: To helptalented international students obtain scholarships from their Chineseembassies or on recommendation from the Department of Education.
The CUGinternational admissions office may provide pre-admission notice based on theapplication progress of candidates.
Please contact the admissions office in advance.
Applicants should consult with their local Chinese embassy or foreign studentdispatch department for information about application procedures for thebilateral scholarship program and application times.
CUG Presidential Scholarship: Pleaseapply directly for this program through the CUG international admissionsoffice.
Applicants can register and apply via the CUG international studentapplication system (
do.) The Programfor outstanding international freshman undergraduates provides a first-yearscholarship, including tuition -waiver, partial scholarship, andaccommodation-waiver.
iii. Tuition Standards
Undergraduatestudents: Science or engineering students:22,000RMB/year
Liberalarts students: 18,000RMB/year
Allcharges are subject to the update by the pricing department.
CUG will releaseinformation about changes in tuition in a timely manner.
IV. Application Requirements
i. The following conditions must be met toapply for a bachelor’s degree under the Chinese government scholarship program:
1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens with valid foreign passports
2.Applicants must abide by the rules and regulations of Chinese laws and schools,be of good character and respect Chinese social customs and habits.
3.Applicants must meet one of the following academicconditions:
An official transcript of the applicant’shighest educational degree (original copy and Chinese or English notarizedcopy)
Graduation transcripts ofnational/district unified high school
Scores of an internationally recognizedstandardized test (Such as the SAT/ACT/A-Level/ AP/IB, etc.)
4. Applicantis physically and mentally healthy, has no serious diseases, infectiousdiseases or serious physical defects.
Applicant must pass the required nationaladmission medical examination.
5. 申请中文授课项目要求提供HSK证书复印件(2年有效期内)或其他同等汉语水平证明材料,并要求HSK4级成绩190分以上,但母语为汉语或高中阶段使用汉语教学的申请者除外;中文水平不达标者,需到指定的高校参加为期1年的汉语补习课程,达标者方可到校学习专业。
5. Candidates who apply forprograms taught in Chinese shall providea copy of their HSK certificate (within the 2-year validity period)or other equivalent Chinese proficiency certification.
The applicant’s HSK4score must be above 190, excepting those whose mother tongue is Chinese or whoattended high school courses taught in Chinese.
Those whose HSK scores arebelow 190 must attend a one-year Chinese refresher course at a designateduniversity prior to enrollment.
Non-native English speaking applicants whoapply for programs taught in English are required to provide TOEFL or IELTSscores.
ii. Application for a self-fundedundergraduate is enforcedas follows:
1.Applicants must meet requirements 1 through 4 of i.
2. 自费本科生可适当放宽授课专业所需的语言要求,但中文授课专业仍需要通过HSK4级方可进入专业学位学习,未通过HSK4级的学生需在中国地质大学(武汉)参加为期一年的汉语预科补习,达标者方可进入专业学位学习。
3. Language requirements for self-fundedpostgraduates can be properly relaxed, but students applying for academicmajors taught in Chinese must pass HSK
4. Those who fail the HSK 4 test muststudy one year of a Chinese preparatory course until able to pass the HSK 4.
V. On-lineapplication and material delivery
i. Online Application
1. Applicants for the Chinese government scholarship need toregister and fill out the form on the National Study Abroad Foundation website( within the prescribed time (fromJanuary 1, to April 1, 2018).
After Online application, please send a printedcopy of the online application documents to the Admissions Office of the InternationalEducation College in CUG before 5 PM on April 15, 2018.
Once the printed documents aresubmitted, the online registration information cannot be modified or re-filled.
One applicant shall retain one valid registration only. No further informationmay be submitted after the deadline.
2. Applicants for the Chinese-Jordanianuniversity Scholarship Program must register and fill out the forms on the CSCwebsite ( within the prescribed time(January 1 - April 1, 2018).
Applicants should choose "China University ofGeosciences (Wuhan)" on the Chinese government scholarship applicationform, the agency code for the Chinese embassy in Jordan is (4002).
Afterregistering online, please send a printed copy of the online applicationdocuments to the Admissions Office of the International Education College in CUG before 5 PM on April 15, 2018.
Once theprinted documents are submitted, the online registration information cannot bemodified or re-filled.
One applicant shall retain one valid registration only.No further information may be submitted after the deadline.
3. Applications for school scholarships andself-funded studies should be registered on CUG’s registration website( within the prescribed period oftime (from January 1, 2018 to May 15).
Please mail the materialcopies to theAdmissions Office of the International Education College in CUG before 5p.m. June 1, 2018 after finishing theonline application.
ii. Checklist forApplication
1.Application Form forChinese Government Scholarship (only forgovernment-funded students), Enrollment Application Form for InternationalStudents of CUG (only forschool scholarship or self-funded students).
Please fill out the form inEnglish or Chinese.
2. 最高学历毕业证书或预毕业证明(复印件及中文/英文公证件):
2. Copyof applicant’s highest level diploma or pre-graduation certificate. (The photocopyor notarized English or Chinese copy.)
a) 应届高中毕业生由本人所在学校出具预期毕业证明;
b) 已毕业高中生提交高中毕业证书;
c) 在读大学生除提供高中毕业证书外,还需提供所在大学的在读证明;
· Recenthigh school graduates must provide pre-graduation certificates issued by theirown school.
· Highschool graduates must provide their high school diplomas;
· Registereduniversity students must provide both a high school diploma and a studyingcertificate from their university;
3. 最高学历对应的官方成绩单(若原文本为其他语言,需提供经公证的翻译件)
3.Official academic transcripts of the applicant’s highest diploma (Ifthe original text is not in Chinese, a notarized translation should beprovided).
4. 个人简历(中文或英文)
4. Personal resume (inChinese or English)
5. 两名教师的亲笔推荐信(中文或英文),其中一封来自毕业高中
5. Tworecommendation letters from different teachers in Chinese or English.
At leastone must be from the high school where the applicant obtained his or herdiploma.
6. 半年有效期内的《外国人体格检查表》复印件(原件自行留存)
6. Copies of the Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Formvalid in half year (the original copy should be kept by the applicant).
7. 有效护照个人信息页复印件,如在中国,请同时提供签证页和入境章页
7. Acopy of personal information page of the applicant’s valid passport.
Pleaseprovide the copy of the visa page and the entry page if the applicant is inChina.
8. HSK 等级证书或TOFEL/IELTS英语语言能力证书(语言能力优秀者优先考虑)
8. HSK certificates orEnglish language proficiency certificateTOFEL/ IELTS.(Applicants with good language proficiency are preferred)
9. 《国际学生经济担保》经费担保人护照复印件及工作或收入证明(学校奖学金或自费申请者需提供)
9.The International Student Economic Guarantee Copy of the passport and workor income certificate of the guarantor (only for school scholarship orself-funded applicants)
10. 其他辅助证明材料(如获奖证书等)
10.Other materials (certificates of awards etc.)
ii. QualificationExamination and Admission Examination
During the applicationperiod, the International Education College andthe candidates’ supervisory groups will check theacademic information andreports of Chinese government scholarshipapplicants.
The applicant's academic records, language proficiency, and generalperformance record will be important indicators of our assessment.
We warmly welcome student applicants who are recommended by experts or are from inter-schooluniversity exchange schemes.
Thosewho are missing required applicationmaterialswill bereminded by the Admissions Officeof the International Education College via e-mail.
Applicants should pay closeattention to e-mail to avoid any delay in communicationduring theapplication period.
Any form of falsification, fraud, providingincomplete materials (including failure to notarize documents), or delayed materials will result in immediate disqualification ofeligibility for the Chinese government scholarship of China University ofGeosciences (Wuhan).
根据申请材料审查结果, 我校将根据考生报考专业(或导师),按照考试或面试成绩择优录取。
Accordingto the result of screening procedure, admissions Office willorganize admission exam or interview to recruit the best candidates based onthe applicant’s major or mentor.
Candidates who fail to the exam orinterview will not be admitted.
VI. Admission andnotification
i.CUG adheres to the principle ofadmitting the best candidates.
Due to limited enrollment, applicants who meetadmission requirements but fail to obtain the Chinese government scholarshipcan be preferentially admitted if the applicants agree to be admitted asself-funded undergraduate students.
ii.Applicants with high school pre-graduation certificates or studyingcertificates must submit high school diplomas to the Admissions Office of CUGon or before the registration day, otherwise the admission qualification willbe revoked.
iii. International students who have received arecommendation from an overseas partner school or domestic strategiccooperation unit can be preferentially awarded the scholarship equally.
4.中约大学奖学金录取结果:获得录取资格的申请者,7 月底前,我校将发放《录取通知书》、《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201 表)。
iv.Results of applicants for Chinese-Jordanian university scholarships: CUG will confirm the list of applicantsbefore the end of July; The Letter of Admission and the VisaApplication Form for Foreign Students in China (JW201 form) will be sent to the applicants before the end of July.
Please make sure that the correct mailing address is reserved to receive the Letter ofAdmission and the visa application form.
5. 学校奖学金及自费生录取结果: 6月15日前公布录取名单,7月初前对录取者发放《录取通知书》、《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW202 表)。
v. Admissionresults for school scholarships and self-funded students: the admission listwill be published before July 15th.
The Letter of Admission and theVisa Application Form for Foreign Students in China (JW201 form) will be sent to the applicants before the start ofJuly.
Please make sure that the correct mailing address is reserved to receivethe admission notice and the visa application form.
6. 我校国际学生本科生招生信息及候选人名单查询、录取信息查询等均通过我校国际教育学院网站(发布,
vi.International students’ graduate enrollment information, the list of candidatesfor admission and admission information are all announced on the InternationalEducation College website (
The CUG IEC official WeChatwill also release the results, please keepfollowingthe updates of the IEC website and also the IEC official WeChat..
VII. Consultation and Service
TheAdmissions Office of International Education College in CUG will reply toapplicant’s questions in a timely manner.
AdmissionsOffice of International Education College
Tel:027-67883283/67884939, E-mail:
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