学校/专业(英国) | 申请费(2017年版 |
UCAS | 申请一所12英镑,申请2-5所23英镑 |
剑桥大学 | 50英镑 |
牛津大学 | 75英镑 |
伦敦政治经济学院(LSE) | 50英镑 |
伦敦大学学院(UCL) | 本预110英镑
硕预 60英镑,付费链接: https://onlinestore.ucl.ac.uk/checkout#tag_paymentmethod 硕士75英镑 |
帝国理工(IC) | 商科50英镑
其他部分专业75英镑 |
伦敦国王学院(KCL) | 40英镑 |
•MSc Accounting •MSc Accounting and Finance •MSc Finance •MSc Finance and Business Economics •MSc International Business and Management (Management) •MSc Marketing •MSc Management |
付费链接:http://www.mbs.ac.uk/cgi/payments/masters/fees/ |
华威大学(Warwick) | 50英镑(去年35英镑) |
杜伦大学(Durham) | 商科60英镑
https://www.dur.ac.uk/application.fees/ |
1. Full-time MBA 2. MSc in Accounting & Finance 3. MSc in Banking & Risk 4. MSc in Finance & Investment(该专业无佣金) 5. MSc in Financial Management 6. MSc in Management 7. MSc in Marketing 8. MSc in Marketing & Business Analysis 9. MSc in International Business & Emerging Markets |
付费链接:http://www.epay.ed.ac.uk/ |
诺丁汉大学(Nottingham) | Agent申请25英磅,个人申请30英镑 |
雷丁大学(Reading) | ICMA课程需要申请费30英镑
MSc Behavioural Finance MSc Capital Markets, Regulation and Compliance MSc Corporate Finance MSc Economics and Finance MSc Financial Engineering MSc Financial Risk Management MSc International Shipping and Finance MSc International Securities, Investment and Banking MSc Investment Management |
亚非学院(SOAS) | 90英镑(提供信用卡信息填表格即可) |
拉夫堡大学(Loughborough) | 2016年入学申请取消申请费,之前部分专业25英镑 |
•MA Media and Journalism •MA Media and Public Relations •MA International Multimedia Journalism •MSc Banking & Finance •MSc International Economics and Finance •MSc Finance •MSc Quantitative Finance and Risk Management •MSc Accounting, Finance and Strategic Investment •MSc International Financial Analysis |
http://webstore.ncl.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1&catid=297&modid=1&prodid=652&deptid=7&prodvarid=0 |
巴斯大学(Bath) | |
School of Management:
•MSc Accounting and Finance •MSc Finance •MSc Finance and Risk •MSc Finance and Banking •MSc Marketing •MSc Management •MSc International Management |
60英镑付费链接:http://store.bath.ac.uk/ |
Department of Economics:
•MSc Economics •MSc Economics (Development) •MSc Economics & Finance •MSc International Money & Banking |
付费链接:http://store.bath.ac.uk/ |
Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies:
•MA Contemporary European Politics •MA Contemporary European Studies (‘Euromasters' and’Euromasters with •Trans-Atlantic track') •MA International Politics •MA International Security •MA Interpreting & Translating •MA Translation & Professional Language Skills •MRes Politics and International Studies |
50英镑付费链接:http://store.bath.ac.uk/ |
subject to a £50 non-refundable application fee: All LLM Programmes in the Law School Commercial Law Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Health, Bioethics and Law International Commercial Law International Law: Crime, Justice and Human Rights LLM General All PGT programmes in Computer Science Advanced Computer Science Computer Science Computer Security Human Computer Interaction Robotics All PGT programmes in Mechanical Engineering Advanced Mechanical Engineering Engineering Management Operations Management Project Management School of Biosciences Molecular Biotechnology School of Cancer Sciences Clinical Oncology (full time only MSc and PGDip) Business School Human Resource Management Human Resource Management with CIPD Pathways |
1. Credit or debit card Please go to the following link to make a payment by credit or debit card. http://shop.bham.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1&modid=1&deptid=56&catid=460&prodid=2342 We can accept Visa, MasterCard, Maestro cards. Card payments will be processed in Pounds Sterling. Please allow 24 working hours after paying for us to send you your Applicant ID number. 2. Payment by bank transfer/online banking You can pay using the University of Birmingham’s Bank Transfer platform powered by our partner Western Union Business Solutions. This service allows you to pay in your local currency and from your home bank account, without worrying about exchange rates or funds arriving short at the University |
University of Glasgow
Adam Smith Business School |
25英镑 |
比如圣安德鲁斯大学The University of St Andrews,埃克塞特大学University of Exeter,约克大学The University of York,兰卡斯特大学Lancaster University,萨里大学University of Surrey,
莱斯特大学University of Leicester,布里斯托大学University of Bristol,东英格利亚大学University of East Anglia,谢菲尔德大学The University of Sheffield,南安普顿大学University of Southampton,
皇家霍洛威大学Royal Holloway, University of London,阿斯顿大学Aston University,利兹大学University of Leeds,贝尔法斯特女王大学(Queen’s University Belfast),卡迪夫大学(University of Cardiff)等。
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