The time taken for the initial number of nuclei to halve for a particular isotope
When a time equal to the half-life passes, the activity falls by half, when two half-lives pass, the activity falls by another half (which is a quarter of the initial value)
N = N0 e–λt
Strontium-90 is a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 28.0 years.A sample of Strontium-90 has an activity of 6.4 × 109 Bq.Calculate the decay constant λ, in s–1, of Strontium-90.
Step 1: Convert the half-life into seconds
Step 2: Write the equation for half-life
Step 3: Rearrange for λ and calculate
Although you may not be expected to derive the half-life equation, make sure you're comfortable with how to use it in calculations such as that in the worked example.
N = N0 e–λt
ln N = ln (N0) − λt
y = mx + c
The radioisotope technetium is used extensively in medicine. The graph below shows how the activity of a sample varies with time.Determine:
a) The decay constant for technetium
b) The number of technetium atoms remaining in the sample after 24 hours
Part (a)
Step 1: Draw lines on the graph to determine the time it takes for technetium to drop to half of its original activity
Step 2: Read the half-life from the graph and convert to seconds
Step 3: Write out the half life equation
Step 4: Calculate the decay constant
Part (b)
Step 1: Draw lines on the graph to determine the activity after 24 hours
Step 2: Write out the activity equation
A = λN
Step 3: Calculate the number of atoms remaining in the sample
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